SFU SFU WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM LIMITED TERM APPOINTMENT THE WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM AT SFU IS SEEKING A SUITABLY QUALI- FIED INDIVIDUAL FOR A LIMITED TERM APPOINTMENT FROM: 1 SEPTEMBER 1988 - 30 APRIL 1989 The successful candidate will teach the following courses: W.8. 100-4 (in Fall 1988): Perspectives on Women: Introduction & Spring 1989) to Women's Studies An interdisciplinary study of the development of female roles. The course will focus on the work of women in the home, the labor force and the arts. It will concentrate on Europe and North America from 1800 to the presnet. W.S. 201-3 (in Fall 1988): Women in Canada 1600-1920 Examines the changing nature of female experience from the days of New France to the First World War through the lives of both famous and anonymous women. The diaries, memoirs, letters and literary works of Canadian women will be a major interest. W.8. 202-3 (in Spring 1989): Women in Canada 1920 to the Present Examines the range of experience open to Canadian women in the twentieth century. The strengths and limitations of women's roles will be analyzed from a historical perspective, using demographic evidence, autobiographies, literature, government documents and monographs. APPLICANTS SHOULD SEND A CURRICULUM VITAE, COURSE OUTLINES (IN- CLUDING REQUIRED/RECOMMENDED READINGS, TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN A 13 WEEK SEMESTER, ASSIGNMENTS AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE PROPORTION OF FINAL GRADE AWARDED FOR EACH COURSE COMPONENT), AND A LETTER OF APPLICATION TO: The Coordinator Women's Studies Program Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC V5A 156 For further information and sample outlines, call 291-3593. APPLICATION DEADLINE: LS APRITE igvss