Mad Hatter Page 2 "In Calgary, there are currently 2,200 children in out-of-school care facilities," he says. "There is probably a need for another /,000 spaces even though this city has a generally higher profile, and better use of facilities than other Canadian elries.” In all of B.C. there are 3,400 spaces available in child care facilities for these children, says Barbara Waterman of the School- Aged Child Care Association of B.C. "My question is, where are all the children not in registered facilities going?" she asks. Another problem she notes is the stereotype people put on out-of-school care facilities. School-Aged Children Need Facilities "At first glance many people consider out-of- school care centres as a place for young people to go to before a Brownie meeting or something similar," she says. "That kind of practise doesn't work." "School~aged children need facilities that are more like community centres than a day eare centre," she adds. Bul some progress is being made, and under the Challenge '85 summer work program a group of post-secondary students are putting loge ther a project to set up a centre for children between eight and 15 years. "Society is turning into an age of day 9 care," Waterman says. "And children are being presented opportunities to learn on their own at our centres. That's partly because older children don't want to be in traditional day care centres." Both Waterman and Kuiken will be speaking at a special one day symposium on out-of- school care on Saturday, June 15, at Douglas College. The program will feature Kuikenas the key- note speaker, discussing out-of-school care as "A Service in its Own Right". Other topics include bridging the pre-school and out-of-school care, responsible adult training, using community resources, funding and financial management, and a look @ future of school-aged child care. New Field is Really Exciting "It's a fairly new field, and it's really exciting," Waterman says. "This conference should attract anyone with school-age chil- dren, educators, government and agency interested people." personnel and any other The Symposium on Out-of-School Care will be held at Douglas College, beginning at 0900 hours, June 15. The $25 registration fee includes lunch and pre-registration is required. Contact Douglas College Communi ty Programs and Services at 520-5473. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES