An Applied Social Science prsaraen + 1 od + Continuing Studies Simon Fraser ee, ae | Designing Questionnaires ae “Two Friday mamings: March an and April 7 coe Simon Fraser cenvernly Questionnaires are an essential too! in the gathering of information in business, in - education, and in the public sector..To be effective, however, questionnaires must be carefully designed and written. This short course is an introduction to the basic principles of questionnaire design. It is planned to familiarize participants with the problems and pitfalls, as well as plausible misinterpretations, in the use of question- naires to gather information. It is aimed at developing practical skills. Course Content ® Overview of information gathering approaches; questionnaires, interviews, observation, record analyses e Key assumptions of questionnaires @ The six steps in questionnaire writing e Types of questions to include ~ - e Number and sequence of questions e Writing the first draft e Pre-testing and rewriting e Analysis of questionnaire information Who Should Attend The program is directed to persons who wish to use questionnaires to collect information from a moderate-sized body of people. Content will have application for: personnel managers, adult educators, administrators and researchers in government, health fields and non-profit organizations, and others. “Location Format # Friday, March 31, ‘9a m.- dom noon The first meeting will combine lecture, . discussion, interaction with other participants, and a tutorial for critical . analysis-of sample questionnaires. Friday, April 7, 9 a.m.- 12 noon | The second meeting wilt consist of lecture’ ~~. and discussion, exchange with other. ~ " participants, and a tutorial period for critical _ analysis of first drafts of assigned y questionnaire projects.:: Room 3171 Administration Buldng Simon Fraser University yor Date and Time seh aM ‘Friday, March 31, 9am in noon Friday, April 7, 9 a.m.-12 noon. | Fee “. $60.00, includes tuition endo course & ; materials. : 1 Preregistration one oH Preregistration i is required by March 27... Enroiment i is ee. “aad instructor ane hae Ghee Gary A. Mauser, Assistant Fecha; Department of Economics and Commerce, », Simon Fraser University; Ph.D., Psychology . (California, Irvine). Dr. Mauser's area of specialization includes market research, quantitative methods, and consumer behaviour. From 1971-72 he was Director of Marketing with the French organization Tchertaff Marketing, S.A. and from 1972-1974 was a marketing consultant with several international organizations. For Further Information: Contact Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University, 291-4304. Application for Registration Form Designing Questionnaires Spring 1978 Name. Address_ ——_——_____________ Postal Code____ Home Hise joie Q ec. y t Occupation Busi Addr Postal Code. Business Phone_ Fee: $60.00 lenclose $ For registration by mail course fee must accompany this form. Please make cheque payable to Simon Fraser University and mail to: Designing Questionnaires Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser - University, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6.