Popular movies that are actually trash > Do not buy into the hype Jessica Berget Staff Writer ’ma film snob, I admit. They are a great escape; they tell a story, and these stories are easy to get lost in. You can also learn a lot by watching films. They offer insight into the lives and experiences of other people, of the human condition, and can also be an aid in understanding relationships, or even one’s self. That being said, a lot of films are legitimate garbage. Especially the films that are pumped out every year starring the same five Caucasian actors in an attempt to win a meaningless award (because Hollywood is based on white supremacy). The truth is, most popular movies nowadays are cheap recreations of older films, overly fabricated real- life stories, or just plain bad, but some are still regarded as classics in the film industry. Here are some film “classics” that do not deserve the hype. Fight Club (agg99) Two words: fake deep. The atrocity that is Fight Club is cleverly disguised as an existentialist, anti-corporate message, when in reality, it has about as much depth as a glass of water. Since when is a movie about guys beating each other up in order to rebel against the system considered a classic film, and not the fever dream of an angsty teen? This is a good movie if you don’t watch a lot of movies, or are impressed very easily. Avatar (2009) Does anyone remember the names of the actors, or even the characters in this movie? Avatar is an enigma. In 2009, it was the movie everyone was talking about, and it still remains one of the highest grossing films of all time, but no one can recall anything about it. Remember earlier, when I said most movies are cheap recreations of older movies? Avatar is essentially Pocahontas, but with blue people, and in 3-D. The Departed (2006) This movie is as boring as it is annoying. Based off of the 2002 Hong Kong crime film Internal Affairs, The Departed couples bad acting, confusing sub-plots, and a lame attempt at symbolism. If it White girl takes the minutes > So you wanna be a social justice ally? Cara Seccafien Layout Editor began doing social justice work by accident. When I graduated from university, I applied to volunteer at a gallery ran by a collective of artists with mental health issues, and wound up getting a job there. I wanted to be there because I have mental illnesses, and I felt like there wasn’t a safe space to discuss this part of my identity in the academic art world where | had obtained my degree. At the beginning, I felt as if I didn’t deserve to be there. Even though I now feel like I do belong to that community, at the time I was overwhelmed by my differences from those around me. This is often known as white, class, or other privilege guilt. So what do you do with this guilt? First of all, check that privilege at the door, and keep your insecure mouth shut! Don’t let this guilt paralyze you. If you are receiving anything from a social justice group—a sense of community, power, or money—you must give your most useful self in return. Do not leech off this community, and do not become paralyzed by awkward white guilt. Whatever insecurity or guilt you might have, work it out in private. This includes all those milky, milky white tears. Then, identify what role you do occupy. At the gallery, I represented a younger generation. I had useful skills that I was asked to use for the community through workshops. I was willing to work for cheap! I was able to try bizarre ideas, solve tricky problems, help difficult people. You must have a reason to be there, not just for yourself, but for others. Listen. Learn. Repeat. By listening, you adopt the vernacular of the community. Learn and unlearn by sitting through discomfort. Use your skills and creativity to serve others, rather than serve your own ego. Learn the mandate of the movement, organization, or group, and let that drive every action you take. If you don’t like the mandate, leave. If you stay, accept criticism. Talk less, listen more. If you are new to this, you will soon realize that there is usually a structure in place that keeps you where you belong. People have boundaries, and often you will be told what is appropriate. You might be asked to the take the minutes, and you will take them with pride! Like being at a stranger’s home, you will respect the rules. Take only what is offered. Be humble. Ask questions that you require the answer to, not ones you have a voyeuristic curiosity for. Don’t be rude! Take up less space. You will become a delivery service for other’s creativity and your own ideas will further that delivery. Remember whose voices you are here to project. You will manifest softness and humility, even when in leadership positions. There is nothing wrong with taking on a key role, but remember who put you there, why they wanted you there, and respect their wishes. If you find you don’t have enough cultural literacy, take a step back. You can google basic facts, like cultural terminology, and historical Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox/still of Fight Club wasnt directed by Martin Scorsese, it would be seen for what it is: A barely decent crime thriller that has absolutely no reason to be two and a half hours long. Those are two and a half hours of my life I will never get back. Inception (2010) “You just didn’t understand it!” they'll say. However, I don’t think there was much to understand. The entire plot of Inception is pretty much just people travelling through dreams and a van falling off a bridge for 45 minutes, matched with mediocre cinematography and dazzling (even distracting) visual effects. “Maybe you need to watch it again,” they'll respond. “Please no,” I beg. American Beauty (1999) There are actually a lot of things I like about this film. However, the pretentiousness of the famous plastic bag floating in the wind scene is not one of them. American Beauty is shallow, no doubt about it, but it is enjoyable. Less enjoyable when you realize how creepy it can also be, but enjoyable nonetheless. From Kevin Spacey’s character having sexual fantasies about his daughter's high school friend to the classic trope of the strange, misunderstood teen stalking and taking pictures of his crush, this film never has a dull moment. Image via pixabay.com events, or read books and blogs about individual’s experiences. However, even after years of being an ally, feeling genuine empathy, and gathering community and respect, a complete understanding of someone else’s life experience will never be obtained. Learn to laugh at yourself! You will make mistakes, and you will be teased and called out, usually simultaneously. Being teased for being part of the most ridiculous and privileged race in history (see: white people dancing) is not abuse. In light of the recent fascism south of the border, we all have a role in social justice more than ever before. However, finding that role must be done with grace and care, in addition to showing the utmost respect toward the people who fight daily battles for their very existence.