OtherPress. Room 1020 — 700 Royal Ave. Douglas College New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 WEBSITE: theotherpress.ca EMAIL: editor@theotherpress.ca STAFF LIST Jacey Gibb Editor-in-chief Meditor@theotherpress.ca Natalie Serafini Assistant Editor Massistant@theotherpress.ca Angela Ho Business Manager Maccounting@theotherpress.ca Chris Paik Distribution Manager Midistribution@theotherpress.ca Cody Klyne Layout Manager Joel McCarthy Graphics Manager Ed Appleby illustrator Jony Roy Social Media Coordinator Patrick Vaillancourt News Editor Minews@theotherpress.ca Cheryl Minns Arts Editor Marts@theotherpress.ca Sophie Isbister Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle@theotherpress.ca Elliot Chan Opinions Editor Mopinions@theotherpress.ca Eric Wilkins Sports Editor Msports@theotherpress.ca Courtnie Martin Sports Reporter Sharon Miki Humour Editor Mhumour@theotherpress.ca Aidan Mouellic Cazzy Lewchuk Julia Siedlanowska Staff Writers Idrian Burgos, Steven Cayer, Brittney MacDonald Senior Columnists Dessa Bayrock, Angela Espinoza, Joshua Grant, Taylor Pitt, Adam Tatelman, Maria Asselin-Roy, Mel Freylinger Contributors a-~ | ~ae A> oY aro! 2) _@ “}>* ' * 2559 <> - No» . : «ee * «¢ a ~ By www.cdn.3news.co.nz Does the world still need feminism? Jacey Gibb Editor-in-chief . Meditor ) @theotherpress.ca Of course it does—but you already knew that. Sorry to kill the suspense right out of the gate here. In most cases, the writer’s supposed to make it past the first sentence before spelling the answer out for everyone. I couldn't let people believe T actually thought anything different, though. You see, I’ve over what the headline should read for my feminism-centric Lettitor. I usually save the title until the end and write something like “INSERT AMAZING, COOL ONE-LINER HERE?” while I conjure the rest of my article but the more I wrote about the topic, the more pressing a headline became. I’m a feminist. I believe in equality between men and women; I’m against the way our daily lexicons, even in the whenever someone says “that’s just the way things are” as “I’m just too lazy to think any differently.” None of these are yet, despite their commonality, I still meet people who are afraid of bearing the feminist moniker. Unfortunately, I was one of those people until about © Getloknowus! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. We area registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member ofthe Canadian University Press (CUP), asyndicate of student newspapers that includes : ayear and a half ago: someone : who needed to follow up “I’m : a feminist” with a conditional : “but...,” afraid that people : might misinterpret my views : for something I had to justify. : Thank God that patriarchal : hiccup is over with. So what does being a : feminist entail? One of my : favourite writers ever, Carleigh : Baker, wrote one of my favourite : features ever last semester : titled “Who defines feminism?” : Now, I could never out-word : Baker, so I'll leave you to read ty i Ve: her article for yourselves been pining and procrastinating : (check it out on our website!), : but I'll paraphrase: the term : feminist is impossible to apply : ona global scale because of : the huge variance for women’s : rights between regions. To : be considered a feminist, do : you have to shed every layer : of misogyny? What if this : leaves a woman ostracized : from society, alienated from : everyone she knows—all in : the name of matching the : North American definition of misogyny has found its way into : feminism? It’s a loaded-to-the- : brim kind of question, but I’m slightest of ways; and I interpret : of the belief that if you think : youre a feminist, then you are. : It’s like arguing that someone : isn’t attractive just because : they don’t adhere to your own radical beliefs by any means and : standards of what attractive : people look like. We'll never : have a universal meaning for : what a feminist is and that’s : what makes the term so papers from all across Canada. © The OtherPressreservestheright to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. : empowering. I wasn’t always so open- : minded about who could : declare themselves as feminists. : : At the start of the year I : remember spitballing the : idea of a Lettitor calling out : people I thought were “lazy : feminists”; women who are : against misogyny but then : agree to change their last : name and accept domesticity : as if it were their only option. : I now recognize that there’s : nothing wrong with either of : those things, as long as it’s the : woman’s choice and it’s not just : blindly accepted. Though my cynicism has : subsided for the most part, : there’s still one aspect of : modern feminism that I have : trouble with. I would ask that : you sheathe your criticisms for : amoment while I take on the : online feminist juggernaut, : Jezebel. Now, I’m a fan of some of : the work that goes onto the : website, but I often find myself : disagreeing with the content. : My main gripe with Jezebel is : the seeming obsession with : trying to find sexism even where : : there is none; articles obsessed : with being feminist just for : the sake of being feminist. : Take the recent dissection of : Shakira for example. Because : her boyfriend doesn’t want : her doing provocative music : videos with other men, this somehow warranted a 175- : word write-up on the website. : Sure, maybe Shakira’s found : herself a guy who’s obsessed with controlling her sexuality, : like a modern Rapunzel : locked away from the world. : Or maybe it’s called being in : arelationship and respecting : when your partner asks you : to avoid doing something : they’re not comfortable with. : Respect requires compromise, : something Shakira seems to : have recognized. To me, Jezebel : is the BuzzFeed of feminism: I'll : enjoy the content and find some : things stimulating, but it’s just : another pitstop on the .html : highway. Coming back to my initial : question of whether the world : still needs feminism: I won’t : even pretend that I know : everything there is to know : about feminism, but I believe : that it most certainly does. Just : because things for some women : are better than they have been : isn’t a reason to stop advocating : for equality. Things like the pay : gap and the double standard are : still very prevalent and aren’t : going to disappear on their own. Whether your definition of a : feminist is a Women’s Studies : major or it’s a girl who pays for : the guy ona first date, your : work will never be over. So it goes, Teoey Gibb Editor-in-chief coc Ug 9) CEM] ‘Ou pe, e 5 @ facebook.com/DouglasOtherPress (J twitter.com/theotherpress youtube.com/user/theotherpress instagram.com/theotherpress