LETTITOR So here we are, back again huh? I have to admit; I'm finding it rather hard to get back in the groove. I spent the holiday season occupied with travel to Mexico followed by some serious powder hunting at Big White. As a result of this constant leisure, I'm not particularly motivated to get back into my typically long work and study hours. But the by-product of the previously mentioned vaca- tions is a happy and relaxed state that has yet to dissipate. As such, I'm finding myself particularly sensitive to the stress of those around me. My commute on the SkyTrain each morning in recent days has become a study of the tragic state of the common man. I've been noticing the abysmal way that commuters treat each other. The vio- lations are many. Not waiting for people to exit the train before ‘storming in the doors, pushing, shoving and refusing to give up seats to the elderly and-or bowlegged. In short, a disgusting display of self-centered ballyhoo that's in no way fitting of the post-holiday kindness people should be displaying. I'm not aiming to buy the world a Coke here or anything, but I'm more than willing to offer up some base-courtesy when it's required. So to all you disgruntled folk out there, I say simply: Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now. Hmm...Maybe that's just the tequila talking. Trev Hargreaves Editor In Chief The Other Press MAILBAG SEND US MAIL! THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING! LAYOUT JUNKIE? GRAPHICS GURU? THE OP 1S LOOKING FOR A LAYOUT COORDINATOR & A GRAPHICS EDITOR PLEASE EMAIL YOUR RESUMES, QUESTIONS, COMMENT S, OR SAUCY PHOTOS TO EDITOR.OTHERPRESS@GMAIL.COM