F amcor ena nearer November 20, 2002 News the other pre Attacks on Asian Women Denounced in Vancouve Community remains defiant in the face of growing violence eR TT iV cd te has expressed fierce concerns about the 23-page-long application package the denied clients are required to the disappearances of over 60 women in the _ lence against women in Canada. More than “If 60 white women had disappeared froma __ experienced at least one incident of physical university campus, there arguably would have _ sexual violence. The provincial governme been an investigation into those missing however, is planning to rescind its policy “The double standard of investigation must is implementing severe cuts to women’s ce stop. It is not acceptable for any woman's life tres, legal aid and sexual assault progra to be dismissed or ignored because of her race Critics say these moves will put more wome or her marginalized position in society or what _ lives at risk. percent of women over the age of 16 ha automatic prosecution for spousal assault a complete and return by a rigid January 2003 deadlin He feels that part of the purpose of the Ministry's revie process is “to control distribution of the applications, reinforce that it is the Ministry that has the authority make the decision (not the doctor) and to separate t more disabled from the less disabled.” The source is also concerned with how people Disabilities Benefits I (DBI) are being treated. Peop receiving this assistance now fall somewhere in betwe the level of assistance received by regular welfare reci ents and the income of DBII recipients. All people w: had been receiving DBI were notified in late Septemb that their status is discontinued. A new Persons wi Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) category h emerged that will enforce new criteria for eligibilit People will continue to receive the DBI level of inco until reviewed and if found ineligible their benefits w cease immediately, whereas a person found ineligible continue at the DBII level has a grace period of 90 da before their income drops. New applicants for the PPM designation and people who had been receiving DBI f less than one year will not qualify until they have fail at all attempts for training and employment for one yea time. The source comments, “Isn't it wonderful that peop will have a whole year in which to prove themselv hopeless—it should be really good for their ment health.” For approved applicants and existing recipients, pr gram and ministry cuts promise to make daily livi more difficult. Rona Wilkman, a Community Livi