INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 27, 1990 HRD (Human Resource Development) Performance Evaluation For Support Staff — Orientation The final orientation session for sup- port staff who are interested in learning more about performance evaluation is scheduled as follows: April 10, 1990 (Tuesday) 1400 - 1600 Boardroom (Royal) Pre-registration is not necessary. Faculty Development Workshop Series III March 26, 1000 - 1200, Room 3903 (Royal) LEARNING STYLES: This workshop will assist you to identify the mix of learning styles in your classes. In addition, it will assist you in the design of learning ac- tivities which take into consideration the preferred styles of your students. March 29, 1300 - 1500, Room 3347 (Royal) LEARNING STYLES: This workshop will assist you to identify the mix of learning styles in your classes. In addition, it will assist you in the design of learning ac- tivities which take into consideration the preferred styles of your students. April 2, 1300 - 1600, Room 381 (Royal) HUMOR IN THE CLASSROOM: This session will explain the func- tion of humor in learning and will give you tips on how to effectively use humor in your teaching. Maxi- mum enrollment: 25 participants. April 12, 1300 - 1500, Boardroom (Royal) COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ex- CHANGE PROGRAM (CCEP): This workshop is open to all person- nel of the College (staff, faculty and administrators). You will be provided with a detailed description of the CCEP program specifically discussing: application process, ex- change sites, timelines and funding. April 19, 1430 - 1630, Room 3347 (Royal) CRITICAL THINKING: This workshop will introduce par- ticipants to classroom related techniques which promote the development of critical thinking skills in students. April 23, 1000 - 1200, Boardroom (Royal) COMMUNITY COLLEGE EX- CHANGE PROGRAM (CCEP): This workshop is open to all person- nel of the College (staff, faculty and administrators). You will be provided with a detailed description of the CCEP program specifically discussing: application process, ex- change sites, timelines and funding. For further information and registra- tion, contact Eugene Hrushowy, Faculty Professional Development Consultant at Local 5122. HRD: What’s Happening? April 3 PERSONAL SAFETY courtesy of the New Westminster City Police, 0900 - 1030, Room 1812, to register contact Marian Ex- mann (5338). April 5 PERSONAL SAFETY, courtesy of the New Westminster City Police, 1400 - 1530, Room 1807, to register contact Marian Ex- mann (5338). April 10 DO YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC LIFE- STYLE? includes “healthstyle check" - learn how to feel heal- thier, happier and more productive, presented by Pacific Healthstyles. Register by calling Community Programs and Services (527-5472) after 1000 Monday to Friday and quote course number L902- 520-16A. April 12 COMMUNITY COL- LEGE EXCHANGE PROGRAM (CCEP): to all personnel of the College (staff, faculty, administrators). You will be provided with a detailed description of continued on p. 8