issue 28// vol 47 life & style // no. 17 3. One thing to note is most iced cocktails are prepared in the same order: ice, alcohol, followed by whatever juice or ingredient the recipe calls for. This applies to this recipe as well: add the ice, vermouth, rye, orange extract, and Clamato to a shaker (optimally in this order). 4. Now, you do not usually shake a Caesar (in fact, | have never seen a shaken Caesar before). But we are going to do it in this one. In doing so, we can completely blend the vermouth, rye, and orange extract with the clamato, not to mention that shaking Clamato juice gives it a bit of froth which | find refreshing. Shake for 30 seconds, or until the outside of the 1. Always remember to rim the glass first! | could shaker frosts. (If you do not have a shaker, you can just layer these kick myself for how many times | have forgotten ingredients directly into your rimmed glass and stir them instead of this step when making rimmed cocktails! Pour shaking them. If you opt for the stir method, jump to step 6.) two or so ounces of maple syrup into a small plate—and make sure that the plate is bigger than the rim of your glass! Instead of lime juice as 5. Pour (do not strain!) the chilled ingredients from the shaker into per the classical Caesar, this rye variation is going your rimmed glass. to be rimmed with maple syrup. 6. Add one or two dashes of bitters. 7. Garnish! Put two (or however many you would like) Maraschino cherries through a toothpick and balance on the cup’s rim. Similarly, balance the orange flavoured chocolate on the cocktail’s ice (it will eventually drop and mix into the Caesar). Last, throw in a cinnamon stick! 8. Enjoy! | would recommend not using a straw—the brown sugar, nutmeg, and chili rim prepares the palette for and compliments the rye, vermouth, orange, and tomato! SANT oe a © 2. Mix the remainder of your rim ingredients in another small plate. Now rim your glass with this mix of sweet and spicy ingredients. The rim of your glass will be sticky from the maple syrup; that stickiness will hold the brown sugar, nutmeg, and chilis in place.