uly 2/7, | -Mad Hatte _A Douglas College atter DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES President’s Report To Douglas College Board - July 21, 1983 A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL On June 29, I attended the regular meeting of the Directors of the Downtown Businessmen's Association in New Westminster. Increasing interest is being shown in the implications of TRANSPO '86 and in various alternative strat2gies for the redevelopment of the downtown core of the City. I expect that proposals will be made soon regarding Douglas College involvement in a number of these pro- jects. On th2 same day, I met with Mr. Doug Manning, and Mr. Ken Winslade, of the City of New Westminster, regarding the disposition of Simcoe Park. I assured them that the Col- lege's position was unchanged in regard to the use of these lands, and that we were as anxicus as the First Capital City Development Compeny to resolve the continuing impasse re- gard:ag the use of the designated five acres on t'2 New Westminster waterfront. Mr. Man- ning stated that every effort is being made to secure the appropriate changes in legis- lation that will allow the City to resolve the matter. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION On June 24, the Lower Mainland Chief Execu- tive Officers met to compare the results of thei five-year planning exercise. It aspears that the effect of the various in- stit:tional plans is to achieve something ap- prox mating the Ministry's declared intention - that is a proposed shift of overall re- sources in the direction of occupational training. A common base of calculation has been agreed to, and the institutions are now pooling thei> overall figures onto a comparison grid whic should be available during the next two weeks. On July 7, the heads of Capilano, Vancouver Comnunity and Douglas Colleges met with mem- bers of staffs to discuss a tele-college con- sortium, which would involve the pooling of our individual budgets presently used for broadcasting non-credit programs over the Knowledge Network into a "tele-college" co operative venture. It is apparent that additional funds would be required to achieve such an organization, and discussions are continuing on this matter. If it proves to be a feasible enterprise, a full assessment will be carried out, and a recommendation will be made to the College Board. During the last two weeks of June, and the first two weeks of July, a considerable a- mount of work has been done in preparing doc- umentation to support Douglas College ’s con- tinued stance that we should continue to de- velop a three-level Dental Auxiliary Program, which will allow graduates to obtain licens- ing as dental hygienist. The staff work has been completed on this pro- ject,.and formal support of the College of Dental Surgeons has been obtained. I will be visiting Ministry staff tomorrow to present the documents. On July 11, Dr. Fisher and his staff met with the Chief Executive Officers of all the col- leges and institutes of the Province, to dis- cuss the current budget, provincial legisla- tion, and financial aid. Documents and an- alysis relating to these matters are already current, and therefore I will not comment. Of other general interest is the fact that the $5 million addition to the colleges and institutes budgets announced under Mr. Vander Zalm's signature in May, apparently no long- er exists. As a result, our submission to the Ministry regarding that $5 million will simply be viewed as our foundation thinking for development in the area of technological education. It is significant that the general intention i