DOUGLAS COLLEGE fe 4 Notice soand FROM Reading and Study Skills . ARCHIVES RE Courses beginning next week - March 14 We would like to ask you to remind your students, especially those who appear to be having difficulty, that - READING DEVELOPMENT STUDY SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SKILLS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARY RESEARCH Courses will be starting the week of March 14. Student can register through Admissions now and until March 18. 7 Following is a list of sections still open: READING DEVELOPMENT § TO: COLLEAGUES ) FROM: GARTH HOMER New Westminster $D100-12 Monday 12-2 Room 103 & SD100-13.. Tuesday 2-4 Room 103 § RE: WORKSHOP ON CANADIAN HISTORICAL AND SD100-51 Thursday §_7-10p Room 103 § SOCIAL SOURCES Surrey We will be offering the above worksho $D100-22 Wednesday 10-12 Room 601B Wednesday, 9 March, 12-1 pm in the reas §$0100-23. Thursday 2-4 Room 601B & complex, NW. $D100-52 Tuesda 7-10p Room 601B & , , . : If you think it might be useful please send Richmond some students along. We are looking at mostly secondary material, and will be examining specific subject headings found in indexes. $D100-30 Tuesday 12-2 Room 404 STUDY SKILLS FOR COLLEGE ~ New Westminster ~$D110-11 =Tuesday 8-10 Room 103 Look forward to seeing you or your students. Surrey b 6 4 -20 Mond 2- Room 601B ¢ nos SDI10 ay The Sub-Committee on service courses Richmene is in the process of gathering infcrma- $D110-52 Tuesday 7-10p Room 120 tion. It would be appreciated if the | ; ' Directors that have concerns in this Coquitlam area could: $D110-40 = Monday 8-10 Room C1 (a) Submit a list of courses that are currently being bought from other depart- ments /and the department involved7 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARY RESEARCH New Westminster k j $D111-10 Wednesday 12-2 Room 103 Surrey’ (b) A list of concerns, and SDI11-50 Monday 7-9p Room 601B § problems encountered. If possible we would like this material before March 8. Please send to G. Homer, Surrey Library z