“Notice Board — ould you like to ease that chronic gh? Whether it's caused by smoking, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, there are two free evening information sess- ions coming up in New Westminster, and in the White Rock-Surrey area which will § help you. The program, called Cope with Your Cough, is intended also for people who have a family member with a chronic cough, and is being sponsored by the Nurses' Section of the Canadian Tuber- culosis and Respiratory Disease Assoc- jation, and the Royal Columbian/Douglas Education Centre. : The sessions will help you make your- self more comfortable, deal with compli- cations, and breathe ami cough more eff- ectively. “In New Westminster, Cope with Your Cough will be held April 13 and 20 at the education centre, 260 Sherbrooke St. and in the White Rock-Surrey area at EArl Marriott Secondary School, April 27 nd May 4. All se-sions will be held @: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. lease pre-register, _ The Institute of Environmental Studies presents the Greenpeace film - SLAUGHTER OF WHALES at Surrey Campus - 4 room complex Tuesday, 5th April - Noon, 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. DOUGLAS COLLEGE SUMMER SESSION REGISTRATION BEGINS - Tuesday April 12th, 1977 at the Admissions/Counselling office on every campus. Registration will be on a first come first served basis. For academic planning & advice see campus counsellor or educational planner. For any further information contact - campus admissions office. - Ken Battersby DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES douglas ol lege christian fellowship presents ; © feminism Christian Perspectives 8 VV 3¥. Thursday March 3] 12 —2:00 pM. 6-407 axb aR Surrey Christian feminise ?