F OU LAM i HIS WEEK pe eens Top Ten Reasons Why DLC is Better than the New West Campus By Brady Ehler, Coquitlam Rep. You know, I’ve been hearing a lot of flak about the David Lam Campus (DLGY recently; snobbish and exclusive New Westers have been calling my home-town cam- pus vile names, like “impish” and “highschoolesque.” One person asked me why he knows that none of the David Lam students ever buy glasses in the Dispensing Optician’s store. When I asked him why, he told me that if they had, they’d realize they were going to school in not so much a college as a shoebox with white- boards. Another person had the tenacity to claim that David Lam is inferior to the New West Campus in every conceivable way. Rest assured, faithful readers, I gave this person stern tongue-lashing (in a com- pletely non-sexual way, mind you). I realize that the New West Campus is the main branch of Douglas College, and as such, it is bigger and better than the DLC in a lot of ways, but the Coquitlam campus does have some virtues of its own and since my original idea for the article this week didn’t pan out (cough cough), I thought Id list a few. So here are, in ascending order, the top-ten reasons why the David Lam campus is better than New West campus. 10) David Lam is environmen- tally friendly Yep, right there in the concourse there is a big bin for recycled bat- teries. Do you have a battery bin, New West? What’s that? No? Oh. Oh well, I guess you don’t care about the environment. Yeah, the en-vi-ron-ment, you know—where we live. Jerks. 9) DLC’s got Red Berries, bitch Right there in the concourse. Red Berries. No, it’s not delicious vine fruit; it’s a shop for delicious cof- fee. But Brady, you might say, New West has a coffee place in the upper cafeteria, to which I would reply, yeah, but is it called “Red Berries?” I think not. 8) Secret make-out spaces Yes sir. They are on the top level, hidden in secret passageways. They are secret study spaces by day, secret make-out spaces by night. When I first learned the secret, I was so shocked that I had to skip class...to go home and cry away my horrible, horrible loneliness. 7) It’s not how big your college is, but how you use it There are a lot of advantages to going to the smaller campus; there is roughly the same amount of computers in the DL library as in the NW library, yet less students. There are shorter lines in the cafeteria, its easier to book an appointment for the Learning Centre, or counseling (not that I’d know, STOP JUDG- ING ME)), and it also takes less time to get from one class to the other. You’re in and out in no time...because you got mad control like that. 6) David Lam’s got all the right curves The DLC is, simple put, a sexy-looking cam- pus, unlike the gigantic and unattractive New West campus with its boxy form and clumsy features. In fact, ’m going to take DLC on a date, and drive by the New West campus just to make it jealous. 5) Concourse made for chillin’ The David Lam concourse is heated, it has tables, and huge, plush chairs for lounging. You all know what the competition is like. Need I say more? 4) Free phone calls You heard right. The DLC has two, count ‘em two courtesy phones for your convenience— one in the concourse and one in the adjacent hallway. To be fair, I’m not sure whether the New West campus has courtesy phones or not. If so, then they are hidden deep within the recesses of the campus, where few dare to tread. 3) Superior location The DLC is located on the scenic fringes of downtown Coquitlam and is within walking distance of a huge park and recreational area, which contains a skate-park, basketball courts, a BMX track, etc. It is also within walking dis- tance of the aquatic centre, the public library, the mall, and the bus loop. What does New West have in answer? Concrete and drug addicts. Oh, and a massive hill to walk up every day. Awesome. (Hey Guy, never underestimate the recuperative powers of crack and Scruffy McGuires—Ed.) 2) Other courses The David Lam campus offers some courses that aren’t available in New West. But Brady, you might say, “New West has many more courses available than Coquitlam,” to which I would reply, “Shut up you commie pinko bas- tard.” 1) More earthquake resistance As my Geology 1121 professor pointed out, when the big one hits, students in the New West campus are “screwed.” Granted, much of the glass was replaced by Plexiglas, so when the massive, imminent earthquake hits, stu- dents no longer face the threat of being sliced open by falling shards of glass. Unfortunately, they still run the risk of being crushed to death by falling of metal, brick, and concrete. Enjoy.