For Sale 2 person rubber dinghy, with oars{paddies. Used twice. Perfectcondition. Just Imagine owning your own ship! $60. Murray Lesile Home Phone 294-4557 New West Art Show The Arts Council of New Westminster presents printmaking by the Capilano College Art In- stitute, June 4thto July 5th from 1:00 - 5:00 Tuesday to Sunday, at the Queens Park Gallery. The ex- hibition demonstrates a unique ap- proach to printmaking by artists who extend the boundaries of the traditional printmedia. Areception to meet the artists is being held on June 7 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Summer Picture Loan The Arts Council of New Westminster will hold the Summer Picture Loan Inthe gallery of the New Westminster Public Library. Rental and sales Wednesday, June 10 from 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. Viewing from June ist Holidays I willbe on vacation from June 26 to August 7; the Arts and Humanities Office will be closed during thatsame period. Please direct all enquiries as follows: Modern Language Place- ment Tests = -Soclal Sclences Office (3400), June 25 - August 3. Miscellaneous Inquirles * English Office (3300) June 25. July 18 = Social Sclences Office (3400) July 19 - Aug. 3. The administrator of Reference willbe Kathy Heggle Hunter Kevin Barrington Foote The Minister of Advanced Education and Training Stanley Hagen (second from right) recentty visited Douglas College to get a firsthand look atone of the ‘finest post-secondary faclittles In the province. Here, Douglas Col- lege Board Chairman and Burnaby resident Cliff Murnane . (left), board member and New Westminster resident Dr. Pauline Hughes, along with Douglas College president Bill Day show the Minister around the campus. Chemistry Instructor Bill Reed asks, "What kind of car Is this?"