DRAFT ONLY DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS AND CONTROL Originator: W.L. Day Date: July 9, 1987 New X Revision Education Administration X Replaces Date i Rationale The policy "Fund Raising Policy of Douglas College" requires a complementary policy, dealing with: (a) Fund raising activity not related to the creation of an endowment. (b) Groups raising money, and therefore acting as de facto agents of the College, when raising money for the Foundation or specific projects. The general public and the College Board, reasonably, hold the College as an organization responsible for activities carried out in which its name figures. Policy Statement Individuals representing Douglas College are responsible to the College, and act under College authority, when engaged in fund raising activities. College Philosophy Statement "To provide, through its curriculum and facilities, opportunities for the College to be a major community centre for academic, occupational, athletic, cultural and social activities". Objectives (a) Activities of groups associated with the College, and empowered to use the College name, shall bring no discredit to the College in the course of fund raising activities. (b) There is a clear line of accountability for general and specific fund raising activities carried out within the College, and activities outside the College. (c) Activities calculated to benefit groups and constituents of Douglas College, shall have a regard for the common weal, and long term as well as short term benefit to the College. whe