= $3 Mad Hatter | A Douglas College Newslette TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 TRAVEL| INTRODUCING... = '°” Ke. Douglas College now has a travel desk and if you are a faculty or staff mem- ber with an educational travel idea - contact Jim Gillis at the Langley Camp- us. Gillis says that a mod- dern Community College is not complete unless it is introducing its students to the oppportunity of ed- ucation with travel. In the past, educational tours have been promoted by indi- vidual faculty and students and have lacked the co-or- dination and sanction that a college can provide. Now, the Continuing Ed- ucation Department will be co-ordinating all College educational travel through its Travel Desk. So far, the Desk has organized a successful trip to San Francisco's Art community. It present- ly has three more travel packages in the works. A trip to Greece, a Kwantlen College now has an identity and tour of British mental Graphic Art instructor, Stu Richardson, has facilities and a chance $1,000 in his pocket and a winning logo design. to experience the Strat- The above logo design was one of the 25 ford Festival, are all entries submitted to a panel of intemal and being offered through the external experts. Last Thursday night, the Travel Desk. College Board confirmed the choice. Scme For more information, changes could be made to the logotype. call 525-9211. Two other entries were given honorable men- tion, one to Douglas College graphic artist, Brian Worthington, and the other to Douglas 3 ul College instructor, Ken Hughes.