‘other Press by Cal Chambers Is there a place for a Christian organization for students on the campus of a secular college? Some would probably respond with a quick and energetic ‘no’. In an age of science it doesn’t seem quite right that any emphasis should be placed upon religion and belief, © except as a hang over from an age long gone. These things may have been need. ed by man in the middle and dark ages when he was overwhelmed by his envir- onment, but now that we have at our disposal the scientific knowledge to cope with our problems suc things as religion, God and faith, seem totally irrelevant. This could be the attitude of some here on this campus, but such a view, in my opinion, is the by-product of ignorance based on a lack of investigation. The actual facts are that the religious vitality of the 20th century is increasing despite the scien- tific frame of mind which is ‘common to all. The idea that religion is part of a:prescien- tific world view which will ultimately fade away with sophistication and the: facts of scientific knowledge, is no longer taken seriously by those who know the actual scene. Even behind the Iron Curtain in countries strongly influenced by Marxism, there has been a remarkable imcrease in young people identifying themselves with the cause of Christ. The Christian faith is an historical faith, and is not rooted in religious ideas, but in concrete facts which sur- round the personality of Je- sus Christ. A person may ' choose to ignore religion in general,e. or denominational churches in particular, but ‘can an intelligent person, taking his life and cceentiog eriously, ignore the impact which Christ is making upon the lives of people in our day? Such former agnostics as C.S. Lewis of Cambridge, Malcolm Muggridge of the Manchester Guardian, El- dridge Cleaver, the social revolutionist, Chuck Colson, the ex-hatchet man for Nix- on, testify that it has been the personality of Jesus than wit of takin Christ which has totally re- volutionized their way of living and thinking. Any honest seeker. after truth should be prompted to ask, . Why? Furthermore, the idea that science and religion are mu- tually exclusive is a concept more in keeping with 19th century Pig eect the 20th century es to these two areas of life. The fact that many scientists are now Christians indicates that modern man no longer needs to choose between faith in science and faith in God. Why do people find it difficult to take the religious understanding of life ser- iously? In our western soc- iety it may be that many have had an inadequate exposure | to the Christian through the Church, probab- truth. ly in their childhood and adolescence, and this makes them rule out the possibility a fresh look at it in their adult life. This doesn’t rule out however, the fact that millions of people would - like to. believe in God if the supposed intellectual prob- lems didn’t seem too insuper -able. To solve this problem Or intellectual scepticism a person would have to take the risk of ‘reviewing the situation.’ It appears that many people in our ae are afraid to take a good loo at Christianity for the same reason expressed by Gami- leil Bradford; he once stated he had ‘‘never read the New Testament for fear of chan- ging some of his long held views.”’ ; The Varsity christian Fel- lowship exists on the Doug- las Campus for two reasons. One, to provide Christian students with a place where they can grow together in their faith as they — their particular intellectual discipline. To help students realize that education and the spiritual life can be cultivated in harmonious re- lationship with one another. But the group also exists for another reason. To share the Faith with others_is a princi- ple of Christian action which dates back to the beginnings of the Christian movement. The reality of Christ is so exciting and life transform- t October 16, 1981 Christianity at — ollege — ing, that vital Christians find it hard to keep it to themsel- ves. It is a foregone conclu- sion, that no one likes to have religion forced upon them by some fanatical per- son. For that reason the V.C.F. is low key in its presentation and believes that everyone should take a look at the Christian faith without being pressured. We feel that as a Campus Club we are making it pos- sible for fellow students to examine the credentials of the Christian faith by enter- ing into creative dialogue with those for whom this understanding of life is ex- : tremely meaningful. We welcome interchange of thought with those who do not hold our beliefs. We are not afraid of you...we hope: you are not afraid of us. One of the ways in which we would like to encourage this dialogue this semester, is in the presentation of a series of superb films pre- ared by Dr. Francis Shaef- er of L‘Abri Switzerland. This learned philosopher, art historian, and Christian theologian, has prepared a series of 10 films in which he traces the history of western culture from Roman times to our present Atomic age. In these films he presents some of the facts of history in which the Christian faith has been closely associated. He asks pertinent questions about the meaning of life in the light of the Christian claim; that truth is available - and that scepticism in this age of despair, can be over- come by a knowledge of that Truth. ; V.C.F. feels at home in the academic scene, because we : believe that the Christian .aith, and life on this cam- pus, as seekers after truth, are not incompatible. We invite our fellow students to investigate with us the pos- sibility of a faith which is authentic, and which has the ower to affect life to the ull. What do you think of Douglas College Pub nights and what do think could be done to improve them? Sue Armstrong;It’s pretty good...could have used more dancing room, They made me stand outside for half an hour...it’s cold out there !’ / Linda Lamont;I had a good © time...more space. pinions must be types at : Sutherland: Well, I Mike had a good time...I REALY had a good time. Could have used more dancing room. Kary Kainth; Keep the live entertainment, the last pub night was pretty good. nce and opinio t necessarily re a 60-strol beet the name of the nissions a SSS ‘