DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES NPE aa Book Your Calendars The next College Assembly is scheduled to occur on Wednesday, October 23, 1985, Room #2203 (Small Lecture Theatre) from 4:15 - 6:00 P.M. While the agenda is still under development, my intent is to discuss with you the present con- dition and prospects of the College, with special attention to new initiatives under way. 1 hope to see you then. Bill Day Employee YM/YWCA Corporate Membership This is a reminder to all College employees that we have an on-going corporate membership discount at the New Westminster YM/YWCA. Anyone interested in joining the "Y" should advise them that you are a Douglas College employee. This will entitle you to our discount. Those employees renewing membership should also advise the "Y" that they are employees to ensure the discount is received. For further information, pleace contact ENID at 526-2485. Thank-you I would like to thank the Educational Leave Committee for extending me the opportunity of a semester's leave beginning January, 1986. During the spring semester, | will be working with two very knowledgeable consultants in the areas of office automation and records management, Barbara Hurst and Alexandra Bradley. Arcadia Associates has been involved in designing automated office systems for both large and small companies in the U.S. and Canada. Action Information Management specializes in analyzing and developing records management and office automation systems in B.C. and Alberta. The experience gained from working with these two companies will afford me the opportunity to ensure the Office Administration programs at Douglas College meet current industry demands and prepare students for future technological change. Employer contacts for future practicum placements and possible employment, as well as for curriculum guidance via an advisory committee nature, will also result from this opportunity. I hope to also participate in the identification and development of new applied programs which will make employment in local industry and business possible. Marian Hill se cineeeerenm _—— eee Expo 86 Tickets Just a reminder to all staff that order forms and payment for EXPO '86 tickets must be received in the Personnel Department no later that 4:30 P.M. Friday, October 4, 1985. Ticket sales are going well, and we have already met the minimum 20 purchases required in each category. Please contact Barbara Schwitek in Personnel, local 4712, if you have any questions. Fitness Schedule Monday Aerobics Room 1315 _ Slow Stretch Room 1313 Tuesday Aerobics Room 1315 No Bounce Aerobics Room 1313 Wednesday Aerobics Room 1315 Slow Stretch Room 1313 cont...