MAD HATTER PAGE 36 Geoff Shuttleworth to discuss progress, and a Board workshop; during which time the Board has considered the implications of the planning process, and given direction to the administration on the basic assumptions to be taken into account in the plan. Mr. Andy Andrews, Director of Program Plan- ning and Development, Gordon Gilgan and I have met on several occasions to discuss op- tions for the future in the area of vocation- al and technical training. Work has also been continuing on the clarification of cri- teria for the. ranking of budget decision units, which I will be referring to here- after as budget activity units. This work has concurrently involved presentations to and criticisms from the Educational Policy and Planning Committee which have been most helpful to us in clarifying our approach to the ranking of College services and activi- ties. On February 23, Dr. Bert Wales, the founding Principal of Vancouver Community College, and Mr. Dean Goard, former Principal of B.C.1.T. and founding Principal of the Van- couver Vocational Institute, paid a visit to the College at my invitation, and spent a very helpful four hours with me. These gen- tlemen will be returning to provide further informal advice to the College administration regarding appropriate development activities over the next few years. On March 15, there was a final Facilities Use Policy Workshop, which has been preceded by a number of meetings with different con- stituencies in the College. We expect that, in the near future, a full policy document will be recommended to the Board. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOUR RELATIONS Negotiations are continuing with the B.C. Government Employees' Union, and negotiations are imminent with the Douglas/Kwantlen Fac- ulty Association. The administration is put- ting together a "package" for the review of the Board in the very near future. Fraser Valley Sends Thanks | Following is a letter addressed to Bill Day, from John F. Potts, Director of Career Pro- ! grams, Fraser Valley College: Thank you very much for the stimulating and informative day we had at Douglas College. Your beautiful new campus was exciting to tour and the experiences you shared with us : regarding your move into the new site will help prepare us for our move. | I wish to extend a special thanks to Gerry Dellamattia for arranging the day and Barbara Bessey for hosting the tour of the facility. Please also extend our apprecia- tion to: Ken McCoy, Laurie Fair, Pascale Best, Ann Raffle, Jean Hammer, Sue Skinner, Lorraine Aldridge, Julie Beaucaire, Debbie Cowie, Karen Warren and Eileen Bowcott. Also a special thanks to you Bill for ar- ranging the weather, (your staff tells me you went to considerable length to accomp- lish this), which was perfect. We look forward to a return visit from Douglas, especially at our new facility in Abbotsford, scheduled to open in the fall term. Sincerely, John F. Potts Library Magazines A number of magazines in the Library have proven to be so popular with patrons that they are becoming worn out before they can be bound. It is impossible to bind maga- Zines when incomplete runs exist. To help us ensure that Library holdings are complete, it would be helpful if members of the College Community would donate personal | copies of magazines to the Library. Here is} a list of high-risk magazines: Canadian Consumer Consumer Reports Life Psychology Today Byte Beaver Nibble Scientific American National Geographic Sports Illustrated