LETTITOR Whew. After last week’s Sex Issue, I’m feeling a wee bit randy. I mean, did you see that picture in the table of contents? Did you even notice all the clever names interwoven into the masthead (left side, page 2 of each issue)? Like Hannibal from The A-Team, I love it when a plan comes together. But that was last week, Kittlings. What we’re striving for around here isn’t “one-hit wonder” status. We’re not even trying to be good for just one month. At first, we were looking to expand this paper into an army of well- trained, guerrilla fighters, but then we had a vote and decided that we actually all liked gorillas, so we gave that up. Next, we thought maybe we could fill in the void left by CBC and become the voice of Canada and the home of hockey every Saturday night. But we were denied funding for our proposal to acquire the coveted rights to Coronation Street: The Trudeau Years by those higher-ups and ne’er-do-wells in the federal govern- ment. Maybe we should have used a PowerPoint pres- entation, rather than a table-hockey rink with He-Man action figures, to describe our business plan. I dunno. So, we talked amongst ourselves and decided to keep on keepin’ on, just like this little paper’s been doing since 1976. Then we got drunk and forgot all our “since-1976” pride and woke up hungover, at which point we wrote, edited, illustrated, photographed, and laid out like mad until we had completed the paper you now hold in your hand. I think we did it out of sheer force of habit, but I really can’t recall. We were so busy we forgot to ask. We did, however, come up with another fine issue. This week’s News takes you from Health Services here at Douglas, to the return of Joel Kollette’s pride article, Follow the Rainbow, to the goings-on with the Canadian military. It’s a whirlwind of a section, so buckle up your chinstraps. Opinion’s continues to dazzle with the always pro- fane Brandon Ferguson’s musings on all things left of centre, while JJ McCullough continues to draw gasps— of both admiration and anger—for his well-placed Right Hook’. You'll want to have your head on a swivel when the opinions start flying around the rink. You want music? A&E’s got your music right here. (I’m grabbing my crouch as I say that. Sorry, Sex Issue hangover.) Seriously, though, there’s a Matthew Good CD review, a Siguer Ros concert review, and all the best in upcoming musical happenings listed in “What’s Going Down.” The intrepid duo of Smith and Reeve also review the new Family Guy DVD that I’m dying to see. Editor Iain Reeve really gave it 110 percent and fin- ished his checks this week. Features has got a fascinating history of the shootout in sports and rollicking romp through the world of transistor technology. And speaking of shootouts, did you hear that there won’t be ties in NHL hockey anymore? That’s right, they’re going to use the shootout to decide a winner to regular-season games. Sports has got a Douglas focus, with articles on Women’s Rugby, wrestling, and a new academic moni- toring program for Douglas’s student athletes. There’s also a wildly entertaining yarn about a Bocce tourna- ment. I love Bocce. It reminds me of hockey, but in a really laid back, back-yard-BBQ kind of a way—and without all the blood, sweat, excitement, and rabidly loyal fans. It’s October, and the Other Press is back, baby, just like hockey. Go ’Nucks. —Colin Miley, Managing Editor