COLLEGE EDUCATION COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS : The following items were deliberated at the March 11, 1987 meeting of the College Education Committee: 1. It was agreed that because time has not permitted review of policies at the last two meetings, and given the importance of continuing and completing that assignment, the first half hour of each meeting be devoted to the Review of Policies. ; 2. Policy Review (a) E02.04.01 Mandatory Program Content - Communications It was directed that this policy be redrafted taking into consideration Committee members comments. It was also recommended that other Departments/Divisions be asked for input. (b) E02.04.02 - Mandatory Program Content - Communications A motion was passed to have the policy redrafted and an attempt be made to integrate it with Policy Section E02.04 Language Competency. (c) E02.04.03 - Program Electives Oo It was pointed out that the current iteration of the policy is unclear and not the same as the original. A motion was passed to have the policy redrafted to more accurately reflect the original and to clarify its intent. (a) E02.05 - Grading and Assessment As a Committee is currently working on the student evaluation policy revision, and as that is closely tied to this policy, a motion was passed to delay consideration of the policy until such time as the Student Evaluation Review Committee has completed its work. 3. Cancellation of Regulary Scheduled Committee Meetings It was the consensus that in order to maintain momentum and to ensure that agenda items are dealt with in a timely fashion, the Committee must meet every month. A motion was passed to set aside the fourth Wednesday of the month as an alternate meeting date in the event a regularly scheduled meeting has been pre-empted. C 4. Policy Revision - Student Evaluation The Committee to review the Policy is comprised of: Applied Programs Division - Bev Miller Academic Division — - Con Rea Educational & Student Services - Sherry Ladbrook