A Douglas College Newsletter. ’ DOUGLAS COLLEGE A ® | ARCHIVES March 29, 1982 STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: A TAXONOMY OF COMMITTEES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The following taxonomy of Committees and responsibilities involved with staff training and development has been approved by the Management Committee. If you have any questions contact Cal Barber in Personnel. FUNCTICN RESPONSIBILITY a) EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION: A personal portfolio of general College Personnel operations (structure purpose) and employee Department benefit information (according to employee status) at the initial point of employment. b) COLLEGE-WIDE ORIENTATION i A program of seminars, workshops and general Orientation information on the policies and practices Committee of the College. Specific items would encompass common elements in job descriptions such as con- tacts with the public, communication, policies and procedures. DEPARTMENTAL ON THE JOB TRAINING Specific training to perform job duties. Departmental Administrator d) ONGOING STAFF DEVELOPMENT Activities designed to enhance technical Personnel and work-related skills and knowledge of Development employees. Developed in conjuction with Conmittee* College wide Professional Development days. *NOTE There is overlap and co-ordination with Orientation Committee to carry out staff development. e) EDUCATION AND TRAINING FUND Applications by staff to undertake . Education and training to improve their skills and Training Fund qualifications and to prepare for pro- Committee* motional advancement for present or foreseeable jobs within the College. *NOTE There is a working relationship with the Personnel Development Committee to be made aware of requests.