Socscsress SSS SSS SS SS SSS SS SSS SS SS SS SS ee Se eee NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCIATION ee ees re ee ee ee ee a TE === SS >= ANNUAL MEETING Le eee of the Douglas College Sta ssociation Tor the 1975/76 term will be he FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th 4-ROOM COMPLEX SURREY CAMPUS The TIME of the meeting will be announced in the next MAD HATTER (Sept. 23rd.) IMR TANT AGENDA This is an important meeting and a full turnout is hoped for as items : on the agenda include: NoMINnNA TIONS (1) The form of certification of staff in the college,ie: certifi- cation of the Association or affil- jation with one of several unions, Nominations, accompanied by a signed in the coming year.The Certification acceptance, will be received by Committee will be distributing Diane Simpson, Nominations Chairman, information regarding the implications up to Wednesday, Sept. 27th. of these choices prior to the ; Nominations will be accepted from! Annual Meeting. the floor at the Annual Meetinag- nominee's written acceptance must (2)Reports from committees that be provided in cases of their have been very active this year in absence from the meeting. areas that will affect future negotiations with the College Council. It is planned to have copies of the Memorandum of Agreement covering negotiations completed to date available for distribution at the meeting. PLCASE NOTE ONLY MEMBERS WHO HAVE PAID ASSOCIATION FEES FOR THE. YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, 1974 ARE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE. SP ee SS 2