January 10, 1996 Coast before I was born and I’ve never even seen a picture of my grandfather. So there’s not exactly money rolling around. But how would they even know that? Well, Mike knows me. He probably told them. I think the main thing is that they were feeling really guilty because they jacked me around a bit and they were afraid that maybe I was going to make them look bad so they had to make me look bad first. Do you hold that against Mike or Faith No More? I just watch their record sales plummet and I’m satisfied. I have no beef, really. If they had done really well and then they were fucking me over, then I'd be pissed off but they haven’t done well, so there’s no harm done. Have they broken No. It’s just rumours, There’s a lot of paranoia every time a Mr. Bungle record comes out that it’s going to destroy Faith No More. It’s bullshit. There’s no real problematic dichotomy between the two bands. It actually works out pretty well. They haven’t broken up. In fact, they just recorded something. Mike Patton, my hero. . I read in the press that you are a Satanist. Is this true? Oh yeah, the British press think that I’m really Satanic and scary for some reason. My answer to that is there are so many perspectives on that issue. If you’re talking about the way that William Blake talks about the Devil, then I have to say that I ally myself with those kinds of things, but if we’re talking about Anton Levay, or those who like that kind of thing, then I’d have to say emphatically _ . nay, my GOD (-ed.) no. It’s just a branch of Humanism. It’s really boring to me. It’s just a bunch of moralistic bullshit. I’m not really into morals, so I’m not really into Satan. What would be something that you would want to tell the readers of the Other Press? I’d just say distrust in every appearance. Appearances are there only to deceive. There’s never been a truth behind any appearance. I’ve found that relevant to every aspect of my character, my being, and my experience. So you’re not a Satanist or a silver spoon-fed rich kid as you’ve been labeled in the press... I wish you could see where I live (/aughs)! I should just send them a picture of my room. I don’t need to clean the fucking slate and clarify issues. People are going to believe what they want. I can’t wait to go there [Great Britain]. I’m just going to admit all of it and hopefully get this reputation as this world traveling philanthropist. I should dress really nicely over there. The British press are totally crazy and evil and all that. They’re very destructive of their own music scene. I don’t care how predatory they are, they can do no damage to us. People who take kind that kind of press seriously can fuck off anyway. The funny thing is that people take it very seriously over there. Mmm-Hmm. Well, they can FUCK OFF (laughs)! aS VE ae Mtr Ramesh LBB ta pee oa Orta Iai Nae Trad H £458. : ar were ee mee ee ee All suites priced under $153,900. Carnarvon 7~2-~0... OTT ek ee ECR Ca A Visrr Our SALES CENTRE & DispLAY SUITES TODAY. Open Daily Noon - §PM {except Fridays) 720 CARNARVON STREET * NEW WESTMINSTER 3 CALL Jim ForD wp: 540-6350 yen @ yous