- ? - While at the conference, I was nominated for a pasitian on the Board of Directors. In January of 87, I was elected, as representative of blind and/or visually impaired students across Canada. Bruce Mesman was elected as a Western representative for all students with disabilities and Gladys Loewen was given the Position of professional FRepresentative Cthe anly Professional ane). This Board is comprised of 11 students and one professional. (The i2th position was left vacant to be taken by either a student or a professional, 3 As a result of this appointment, I will retain student status at Douglas until my term with NEADS i campieted. Most importantly, Bruce and myself are in the process of establishing a network of students with disabilities in B.C.. We are presently seerina funds from various sources, with the intention of planning and holding a conference where students with disabilities will get an opportunity to meet and share ideas on haw accessibility to post-secondary educati-- -an be impr oved. This is essentially what NEADS will provide with the quidance of its Board af Directars. The Board is meeting for the first time in Edmentan at the end of June 1987, and I am looking forward to putting same of our plans inte action. | if T am excited about this whole undertaking and look forward to sharing more about sur aspirations and activities with you. My thanks to you, Bob Shebib, Sally Nerdman and Diana Wegner, for the excellent training you gave me in the C.S.S.W. program. Sincerely, "Chantal Genereux" (siqned)}" It is encouraging to add that the grant applications referred to by Chantal in her letter have been successful at both the federal and provincial level. Congratulations to all invelved and especially to Chantal. It is happy events like this which heip us tsa farget the aversive anes which often plague our environment. Dan DLMcE/im