ENTREPRENEURS Thinking of starting your own business? Looking for help in developing your business skills? : The DOUGLAS CENTRE FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT is offering six three hour Awareness Seminars: EXPLORING THE SELF-EMPLOYMENT OPTION AN OVERVIEW OF THE PROCESS OF STARTING A BUSINESS | OF YOUR OWN Monday, February 9th, 1987 Wednesday, February llth, 1987 Monday, March 9th, 1987 Tuesday, March 10th, 1987 Tuesday, April 14th, 1987 Wednesday, April 15th, 1987 Room 2203 or Room 2201 or Room 2203 or Room 2201 or Room 2201 or Room 2201: TOPI SSED. , | OPICS DISCU 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. _ = What's really required What makes an entrepreneur different from an employee | — Getting a proper perspective on objectives/expectations - What are the first steps in starting | ~ Assessing yourself, your ideas, the risk What potential problems have to be considered What sources of information are available Registration Fee $20.00 VISA OR MASTER CARD ACCEPTED REGISTER NOW TO ENSURE ENROLLMENT | AS CLASS SIZES WILL BE LIMITED TO PREREGISTER CALL 526-4808 DOUGLAS CENTRE FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Room 1300 - 700 Royal Avenue, 9 NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. “entre for Enterprise Development The Douglas Centre is located at Douglas College on 8th Street opposite the fire hall and one-half block north of the Skytrain Terminal.