eae ie Items For Sale Propane Demand Water-Heater Suitable for R.V. or Boat $50.00 Call Valerie MacBean, local 3448 §§§§§ Seasoned Firewood (Planer Ends) We Load Your Truck For $40 Or We Deliver and Unload For $55 Contact Carole at Local 2112 §§§§§ 2 Mazda GLC Wheel Rims Contact Jean, Local 2123 §§§§§ TICKETS FOR MESSIAH ARE SOLD OUT! President, Keyano College The Board of Governors of Keyano College is seeking a College President who has proven senior managementexperience in post-secondary education and/or industry. The successful candidate will be capable of providing both administrative and educational leadership. Keyano College, located in Canada's oil sands capital, Fort McMurray, Alberta, is a compre- hensive modern community college serving in excess of 3,000 credit and 4,000 non-credit students. Its mission is to provide the 45,000 residents of Fort McMurray and area, witha wide range of educational opportunities and services and to pursue community service initiatives that enhance the quality of life of the citizens of the region. Interested persons seeking a challenge in a dynamic and growing educational institution are invited to submit in confidence their applica- tions by December 20, 1985. Submissions to: Presidential Search Committee c/o Keyano College 8115 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2H7 §§§§§