This is a course for people who wish to make their homes healthier and safer -- both for their families and the environment -- while cutting down on housekeeping costs. It emphasizes practical ways in which home- makers can apply scientific knowledge to everyday problems. The course will be taught by Emily Oguss (M. Sc. Ecology) with assistance from Anne Duffey ( R. N. ). Five sessions from 9 - 1l a.m. Surrey Campus, S420 Topics: October 30: "Getting what you pay for" -- an analysis of the modern Supermarket and trends in packaging; Consumer Power. Cleaning -- how to make your own "washday miracles" that are safer for the environment and a lot less expensive November 6: Pest control without poisons. Food storage; comparison of fresh, canned, frozen and dryed foods for cost and food value. Recipes for storing food yourself. November 13: Feeding One or a Dozen -- ways to cut down the cost of food without reducing the family's enjoyment or nut- rition. Recipes. (Special diets will be discussed.) November 20: Reducing wastes -- ways to reuse or recycle paper, glass, plastics, wood, cloth, etc. Conserving fuel and energy. Composting. November 27: Planning a house for efficient housekeeping and low Maintenance costs. . Special topics requested by students will also be discussed. Estimated cost: $5.00 per student. Surrey Campus, S420 THE UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN HAVE YOU REMEMBERED TO SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO MARION JAMES AT THE NEW WEST CAMPUS?