Y Salty silver (Y Awkward feminist goes to a hockey game (¥ Basketball is back Military training 1n water > My experience being a competitive swimmer Carlos Bilan Staff Writer butterfly. Warm-up would last about 30 minutes, and then the training really began. The program varies from this point on because there are many possibilities. And more! MEN'S BASKETBALL o you know how a swimmer trains? Well it’s not easy, wim paraphemalia 1s usually used from this ee INSTITUTION CONF PTS I'll tell you that. I'm going to tell you briefly about my ©" tems such as swimming Hins hep develop musc “6. experience as a former competitive swimmer. Although, you end up swimming faster wearing fins, it’s also VIU 16-2 32 High school in the Philippines was actually pretty heavier to kick underwater. Some days we would use pool tough. I don't know how I survived going to school and buoys to train our arms, or kickboards to improve our kicks. LANGARA 13-4 26 hatin every day of th k. M - , tional school This part of the training would last around an hour to an g every day of the week. Most traditional schools hour and a half CAPILANO 10-8 arn are private catholic schools, and classes run from seven , , ou. . . : Interval training was my coach’s favourite time of the a.m. until four p.m. Training started at 5:30 p.m., so you day. Interval trainine is wh h ‘Getimet DOUGLAS 10-8 20 really just had about an hour after school to prep yourself ay. dati hen is wien ve abiate a specie ee ° for swimming. When it is swim-meet season, training start and a time Irame you must abide to. For example, QUEST 6-11 12 happens twice a day—once in the morning, and once inthe YouTe the first to swim. You'll have to swim across and then afternoon , back in a minute, so the faster you go, the more time you CAMOSUN 5-13 10 Before training, I always ate a heavy snack because have to blow bubbles and Test. Of course, you'd end up I required the energy from it to swim. It’s absolutely being tired, and there are times you end up only getting 5 ae 2-16 a necessary to eat something before training, because if you don’t, you'll end up not only feeling hungry but also fatigued. This is due to the fact that when you swim, your seconds of rest even when you try to swim as fast as you can. We were required to be trained for all the swim strokes, and to be honest, it was absolutely brutal. The first few weeks when I started training after school, WOMEN'S BASKETBALL body burns a lot of calories. Even though food is required, it felt ike mili ~ “ust did 1 h id you'll still have to eat an hour before getting in the water or it felt ike mL itary training. Ijust did not know how I cou INSTITUTION CONF PTS ou might end up throwing up make it a routine to swim for two hours after a long day at y A session of swimming training starts with stretching school, eat dinner, and then finish homework. There was CAPILANO 16-2 32 which cannot be skipped. If you do, there is an almost 100 really no time for play because youre ma ime crunch. per cent chance you will strain your muscles, which is not There were also times when you feel like there’s invisible DOUGLAS 14-4 28 fun. Stretching should take about seven minutes. Many water flowing around you. Aftera month, though, it now VIU 10-8 DO swimmers wear their trunks under their regular clothes started becoming a routine. You j ust have fo stick with it, to save time, so they can then strip off easily and dive into because if you miss one day of training, you Il need two days CAMOSUN 9-9 18 the water. The pool is divided into lanes, which are divided to recover. I was once sick fora week, and it took me two by best swim times. Usually there are about four or five weeks to begin making progress agains QUEST 8-9 16 swimmers in one lane, and they all compose a median Swimming training was definitely a killer, but the speed , experience was invigorating. You actually feel yourself LANGARA 5-12 10 P Warm-u s usually consist of 32 freestyle laps sweat in the water—you will literally feel your body begin to Afterwards wv have dividual medley (IM) fon laps heat up even in the cool water. Honestly, I miss swimming CBC 0-18 o each where we do freestyle, backstroke, breast stroke, and taining, and I wish I never stopped. But I'm glad I got to experience the rush. MEN'S VOLLEYBALL INSTITUTION CONF PTS VIU 21-3 42 UFV 17-7 34 CAMOSUN 14-10 28 COTR 11-13 22 DOUGLAS 11-13 22 CAPILANO 10-14 20 CBC 0-24 oO WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL INSTITUTION CONF PTS VIU 19-5 38 DOUGLAS 17-7 34 CAPILANO 17-7 34 COTR 10-14 20 UFV 9-15 18 CAMOSUN 8-16 16 CBC 4-20 8