on | °-Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter November 18, 1981 DOUGL: AS COLLEGE LIBRARY, A CniVES R For Your Information CS? s yy t B.c. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES’ UNION AN AFFILIATE OF THE CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS) ( November 11, 1981 TO ALL MEMBERS - BCGEU Local 59 (Douglas College) Please be advised that as a result of elections held at the meeting on October 29, 1981, the following executive, stewards and representatives were’ elected/appointed. BARGAINING COMMITTEE: Marian Exmann (Chairperson) Eileen Bowcott Barbara Edwards EDUCATION/TRAINING COMMITTEE: Lorraine Jones COLLEGE BOARD REPRESENTATIVE: Eileen Bowcott STEWARDS: McBride/Agnes: Marilyn Kristian McBride/Agnes Alternate: Barbara Edwards Winslow/Maple Ridge: Barbara Gilliland Winslow/Maple Ridge Alternate: Jack Kelly INTERLOCK COORDINATORS: McBride/Agnes: Lorraine Jones Winslow/Maple Ridge: Muriel Minshal] COORDINATOR OF UNION OBSERVERS: Barbara Gilliland MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Marian Exmann Barbara Edwards (Alternate) WORK STUDY ADJUDICATION Marian Exmann COMMITTEE: Barbara Edwards (Alternate) PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT Marian Exmann (Chairperson) COMMITTEE: Anne Fenton (McSride/Agnes ) Judy Murray/Helen Cooper (Winslow) ORIENTATION COMMITTEE: TBS. LABOUR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Marian Exmann Barbara Edwards Eileen Bowcott I will keep you informed of any other committee/representative appointments as they occur, by way of the Union Bulletin Board on each site. Marian Exmann » Chairperson Pheer teletres.s. gle cure hatha Generar Ser ret 4911 CANADA WAY, BURNABY. B.C. VSG 3W3 TEL. (604) 291-9611. TELEX 04-354887 x