Canadian Studies Project Association of Canadian Community Colleges 211 Consumers Road, Suite 203 Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4G8 Exchanges usually take some time to organize. Applications should, therefore, be forwarded at the earliest possible date and no later than three months prior to the intended commencement date in cases when exchanges have already made firm agreements and six months prior in all other instances. For your further information the ACCC policy statement on exchanges is included: 1. Each applicant's curriculum vitae will be reviewed to determine their suitability for exchange to the region and college requested. 2. Each applicant's experiences in the college system will be assessed to determine their suitability. 3. The usefulness of the exchange to each applicant in their career path and in their subsequent teaching, administrative or learning experiences will be assessed. 4. The usefulness of the exchange to the college will be assessed. 5. The creativity of the exchange proposal will also be taken into account. 6. In awarding grants, assistance to the participants will be available for valid expenditures, excepting salaries. 7. A detailed report of the exchange experience and assessment of its validity will be required of each PereLelpant. 8. Each participant must agree to present at least one public tecture per semester of the exchange in either their own institution upon their return, or their host institution during their visit. -.--eReEgG Pridham NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS PARKING It is necessary to solicit your co-operation in respect to parking only in approved parking spaces. Approved legal parking is designated by white-lined parking stalls. Do not leave your car parked outside of a designated parking space. The New Westminster Fire Department requires that free access fire lanes be maintained. It will be necessary to tow away any illegally parked cars. : Persons suffering mechanical breakdown should advise the Campus Manager and arrange to remove the vehicle as soon as possible. Unless special arrangements are made, cars parked indefinitely, apparently abandoned, will be towed away. Cars missing from Campus may have been stolen, OR towed away if illegally parked. In any event, persons unable to locate their car should check with the N.W. Police Department. => More: =