i i" INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 7, 1989 2 a e 18,500 to Aid Students and the Arts Needy students and perform- The College’s arts and culture courage the development of the ing arts programs at the College programs are targetted to arts, were given a boost recently. receive a special arts endow- Kentucky Fried Chicken also The Douglas College Founda-_ | Ment grant of $12,000 from donated $2,000 for sports equip- tion announced it has received Kentucky Fried Chicken. ment. This equipment will be generous donations totalling The money will be received available for both college and $18,500 from two major cor- in three installments over a community use, says College porations. three-year period and will en- President Bill Day. As well, ICL Services will be providing a three-year annual . contribution of $1,500 (totalling To s Al | Col lege Pe rso Nn Nn el $4,500) that will go towards the Foundation’s student bursary From: Bill Day fund The fund is available to help Mr. Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs & Services, has students who require financial © been assigned to act as the Administrator of Reference for: assistance. 1. The achievement of the Thomas Haney (Telosky) development in Maple Ridge (in effect, this will be the Maple Ridge campus of Douglas College). This will include organizing and leading the planning for space and curriculum at the Centre, and discussions/ agreements with the Maple Ridge School District regarding articulation of the secondary school and college curriculums. 2. The planning for a Coquitlam Campus, and the acquisition of land and financing. This assignment is effective immediately. These grants, "make life a lit- tle easier for students who have a need....and major corporations are recognizing this," says Ray Godin, vice-chairman of the Douglas College Foundation. In the case of Maple Ridge, Jim will be acting as staff officer to a Project Committee consisting of himself, the other Deans, and the Bursar. In the case of Coquitlam, it will be the same team, together with two Board Members (Eric Hedlund and Richard Bell, at the present time). Discussions are being held within the Community Programs & Ser- vices Division regarding the creation of an appropriate level of internal support, as we expect that Jim’s time will be occupied ap- proximately 70% on these two projects. Congratulations, Jim. We look forward to progress reports from © time to time in the "Insider". Ld