NOTICES , DOUGLAS COLLEGE TO: SUMMER FACULTY MEMBERS ARCHIVES | FROM: CATHY MACDONALD ; RE: LIBRARY ORIENTATION I will be available until May 31 if you would like to arrange a library orientation for your class. The orientation could cover: 1. How to use the library generally 2. Specific library information in your subject area 3. Tour of library 4. In-library, subject-related literature search, arranged as a class assignment. If you would like to arrange for any or all of the above, or if you have any other requirements or suggestions, please contact me at local 248, Surrey Campus Library. Note also that you may place books, pamphlets, and xeroxed articles on 2 hr., 24 hr., or 3 day reserve at the circulation desk of any of our libraries. Thank you for your interest! “ x ¢ v didter | TO: All Faculty & Administration FROM: Personnel Department RE?” Dental Plan Employees who did not wish to participate in the Dental Plan are required to fill out a Waiver form. Please contact the Personnel Office in this regard. Thank you RIBRARY 10. Faculty and Staff ,Douglas FROM: Tom Rosamond/Steve Sharpe SUBJECT: Off-Campus Club Our note - Apr.21/76 Having received only five replies by May 5th - all in the negative - we may conclude, as stated in our first communica- tion,that the staff and faculty of Douglas College are not interested in their associations! pursuing suggestions that off- campus facilities be purchased for purposes of a private club. Inclusion of non paper contents in envelope Mail : : § On occasion small metal parts have been includ 8 in outgoing mail envelopes. In today's auto- mated mail service these metallic parts play § havoc with the mail processing machinery. § Damage has been caused to both College and ¥ P.O. department equipment and it is requested } that departments mailing small parts package § them for parcel post preferably boxed for safe R delivery and ease of processing by mail servic § facilities. § Campus Supervisor NW ° For Sale White-face beef cows and calves. Tel: day.- 588-4411, eves. 594-3939. ‘Barry Leach