ay > "dy FP EEG SPF TE RRR TEER Ye eR SILT EEL INFERTILE ry SPT ate ea aTe GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM [ LN ADULT EDUCATION AT WESTERN WASHINCTON STATE COLLEGE THE PROGRAM A master of education with a major in adult education administration may be eamed. Primary emphasis is placed on: institutional developurant, administrative techniques, adult learning theory, and curriculum planning and pProgramimning. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The rapidly expanding field of adult ead continuing education offers many Careers with private and public institutions, Western: vy hington State Colicve now offers a gracuate program ta prepare professionals for careers in: In-Service trairi business, industry wd government * Community Senice anc Adult Education programs with: Libraries Public Schools Museunys Community Colleges Voluntziy Organizations YMCA/YWCA Governmental Agencies 3g Cowlege and University Continuing Education Divisions FIELD EXPERIENCE A melor part of the program will be an emphasis on dir ctcc fiald experience, in many of the instite tions listed above. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applications are invited frorn persons with a bachelors desrec and a minimum of 3.0 gredé ore during tha last year of undergraduate stucly anc at least a 2.5 over-all, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE A limited aumber of er: Uae assistantships, scholarships and crants ure availatie. INQUIRIES Acditiona! information may be obtained +y ccntacting Protcs or Richard ferincer, Department of Education, Western Washingion state Cottege, Beliirgham, Washington 39225, Telephone: (206) 724-8800, OF-OOL Graduate Deyrev: Program in Adult Ecueation Fioase send 1,0: dateiled description sf the M.Ed, requirervents in achilt viucation, The Geachiate Bulletin jar rel igs a DS eS i : f Address Sorcerer Ns RR aks aR : Occupation