Have an idea for a story? Let us know! Contact: Mercedes Deutscher, News Editor M41 news@theotherpress.ca (Y Victims take action against UBC’s broken and flawed system (¥Y The delays in sky rail and the beginnings of light rail (¥ New Westminster heritage homes at risk And more! National Defence Minister orders suicide prevention as a priority for soldiers and veterans » “In a sense, these are our forgotten casualties.” Olivia Levesque ae The Argus (Lakehead University) n the day before Remembrance Day, the Globe and Mail released an investigation that had been in the works for months with the Canadian Armed Forces. The investigation, known as “The Unremembered,” released disturbing statistics of the number of soldiers and veterans who had taken their own lives after serving in Afghanistan. The numbers show that Canada isn’t just losing troops overseas, but losing them here at home too. Since the beginning of the 13-year NATO-led Afghan mission, 54 military personnel and veterans have committed suicide, according to the statistics released by The Globe and Mail. The number of suicides since the beginning of the mission in Afghanistan number more : than one-third of the number : of Canadian troops who were : killed in action during the : conflict itself. It’s a sad reality, : yet it seems those returning : from deployment face a war on : Canadian soil almost as deadly : as the one they faced overseas. National Defence Minister : Harjit Sajjan has responded to the : : investigation by issuing an order: : to Canada’s top military leader to : make suicide prevention a major : priority within the Armed Forces. : The investigation has also shown : that the number of suicides : has increased over the past year : amongst returning veterans as : well, as 14 suicides were recorded : since the beginning of 2014. Another startling statistic : reported in the investigation : is that out of the 158 soldiers : who died during Canada’s : Afghan mission, 6 took their : own lives. Sajjan said, ina : statement following the release: : “Throughout my career, I have : seen first-hand the demands : of military service, and the : sometimes enormous impact it : can have on members and their : families. This is particularly : relevant given our long combat : mission in Afghanistan.” Sajjan : isalso an Afghanistan veteran with three tours of duty. The military, who is : responsible for ensuring health : care is delivered to soldiers, : already has a suicide prevention : plan in place, but with the : recent statistics, it is evident : that steps need to be taken to : : provide sufficient help to veterans : : suffering with both physical : issues and mental health issues, : such as PTSD or any deployment : related struggles. All are : : contributing factors to the suicide : : rates for returning soldiers. : “The military will spend : a fortune to train a soldier to : go to war. They need to spend : that same amount of money to : repair that soldier when they : come back,’ said military veteran : Darrell McMullin to the Globe : and Mail in an interview after : the investigation was released. released by the Canadian armed : forces and the investigation by : the Globe and Mail has upset : many, Canadians remain hopeful : that with the newly-appointed Image via thinkstock : National Defence minister's : background and understanding, : the next necessary step to : prevention will be taken. : No plan has been released : regarding a plan of action in : suicide prevention for soldiers, : but Minister Sajjan has expressed : in many press releases that he is : committed to this issue, making : ita priority, and he is determined : to “identify a way forward.” Although the information Attack at Planned Parenthood clinic leaves three dead » Suspect in custody, motives remain unclear Mercedes Deutscher News Editor M news@theotherpress.ca n November 27, three were killed and nine were injured after Robert Lewis Dear, 59, laid siege with a gun toa Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic for five hours. Dear surrendered after officers took a hold of the building. Amongst the deceased was Garrett Swasey, a police officer who responded to the standoff. The two other victims, who have not yet been identified, were civilians. However, the actions of the police officers who managed to enter the building resulted in the lives of many being saved. Most were able to escape the building, and those who couldn't : remained unharmed by locking : themselves in several rooms. Dear had also reportedly placed improvised explosives : around the building, although : none of them had detonated. According toa : neighbour, Dear lived in : relative seclusion with no : electricity or running water. “You can tell his personality : is just off. The way he looked at : you, the way he talked, he just : seemed off” said his neighbour, : James Russell, to CBC. Russell explained that Dear : often spoke erratically and had : a difficult time keeping to one : topic. However, two topics that : had never been mentioned : by Dear were religion and : abortion. For the time being, : there have not been any reliable : sources to suggest a motive or : reason behind Dear’s attack. “We don't have any : information on this individual’s : mentality, or his ideas or : ideology,’ stated Colorado : Springs police Lt. Catherine : Buckley, as covered by CBC. In a national address, : Barack Obama said: “We don’t : yet know what this particular : gunman’s so-called motive : was for shooting 12 people, : or for terrorizing an entire : community, when he opened : fire with an assault weapon : and took hostages at a Planned : Parenthood center in Colorado.” Obama once again brought : forth the issue of gun control, : saying that it was urgent to : enforce stricter gun-control : so that such attacks do not : become normalized. In the aftermath of the : attack, many took to Twitter : under the presumption that the > attack was a terrorist attack in the : : name of the pro-life movement. : sex educator and activist, : tweeted: “Livid and devastated : about the Planned Parenthood : shooting. I’m sick to my : stomach that we continue to : arm misogynists with guns.” Image via Reuters/Lucas Jackson vandalized since September, and : there has been multiple incidents : at other clinics over the past year, : including one invasion and one : arson, as reported by CNN. : Despite the crimes : committed against Planned : Parenthood, there will : reportedly be no drawback : On its provision of services. Laci Green, an American Three other Planned Parenthood clinics have been