LETTITOR Lettitor Augustus Hello all you fabulously beautiful people out there in Newspaper Land. It’s time for this month’s installment of your favourite fashion rag and mine—the Douglopolitan! It’s booze and fashion, fashion and booze...what more could you ask for? And | need to tell you all something—lean close, I’m going to whisper—it’s my very last issue as Editor of The Other Press. In two week’s time, a new male model will take over as the most feared and beautiful person in Room 1020, New Westminster Campus, and his name is Trevor Hargreaves. He’s not quite as talented and lovely as me, just as | wasn’t quite as talented and lovely as my predecessor, but he’s got that “X-factor” in such huge quantities that | swear | can smell his arrival already. His work on the catwalks of Milan is the stuff of legend. But before the illustrious Dr. Hargreaves, Beauty M.D., retires me to the pastures Coquitlam, | need to tell you a few things. First off—all that plastic surgery | got every week in order to keep changing my appearance for my Lettitor photos was my idea and my idea alone—The Board of Directors may have hinted that I’d lose my job if | didn’t do it, but the decision was all mine. Second: the smut-fest fantasy that the once hallowed pages of the Other Press devolved into during my tenure as Editor-In-Chief was entirely my fault. You see, | lacked proper guidance as a child...my heroes were cocaine-fuelled models and talentless hacks who taught me to always go for the cheap stunt. Sure, my mandate was to “inform, insult, and enlighten” and yes, | probably should have shared that credo with the rest of the collective mem bers here at the OP, but, whoops-a-daisy! Like sex in an alley on the first date, it’s just so much more fun to implement a plan when you keep it a secret. | didn’t go it alone: the perverse and witty minds of the contrib- utors, editors, and graphics’ wizards that make this dirty bird fly each week remain largely in place. Gone are Sports Editor Brian McLennon, Arts and Entertainment Editor lain Reeve, Opinions Editor Brandon Ferguson, and Features Editor Kevin Welsh. In are Kevin Lalonde, Travis Paterson, and Brady Ehler. And there’s ‘plenty of space down here at the Other Press for new folks that want to come on down and see what we’re all about. We meet most Thursdays, room 1020, New West Campus from 6—7pm. Lastly: Awww shucks, I’m going to miss all you crazy boys and girls, with your crazy ideas and crazy political slants and pain-in- ass requests for this, that, and eventually, the other. I’m going to miss copy deadlines and Brooklyn’s Pub and having a place to bring my “tricks.” (Who says the Other Press’ darkroom doesn’t get used?) But mostly, dear readers, I’m going to miss you. It’s okay to cry...| won’t judge. Alrighty then, I’m over it. In the immortal words of Chris Elliott (and The Handsome Boy Modeling School), “I’m a male model, not a male prostitute.” Good luck and see ya in the funny pages. Colin Miley, Editor-In-Chief