October 29, 2003 Nick Hogg OP Game Guy V2.0 Much like how I ingrained Excel Saga into your brain, I’m planning to do the same with Saiyuki, mostly because I don't want people missing out on a title of this caliber. It’s got humour, action, excellent characters, and an overall story with the potential for depth. What does this mean? Basically that you should be watching Saiyuki (or on your way to go and purchase it) and no, ADV doesn’t actually pay me anything. The picture quality on this volume is in line with the previous two—it's crisp, clear, clean, and whatever other adjec- tives used to describe good video quali- ty. As for sound, we get the always-wel- Fanboy's Corner come 5.1-channel English track, where ADV has done a superb job making good use of directional sound and background noise. I’ve become even more impressed with ADV’s 5.1 mixes as of late, and they're fast becoming a great incentive to watch an anime in English. As for extras, there were clean opening and closing animations, but that’s nothing new—I should only list it when they don't have them. Also included were the production sketches, but for once I was actually impressed by them. This is probably because the art style in Saiyuki is done in such a unique manner, seeing the rough sketches of Culture e the other press © Saiyuki Volume 3 Released by: ADV this finished product was interesting. Last and certainly not least was the cul- tural background notes, ADV did their research here and are filling in layman’s terms about the original novel of Saiyuki, which this anime is loosely based on. As per last volume, things are kicked off with a two-parter that blends in back story from Hakkai, with present- day events. These two episodes are not what I'd call funny, they’re gritty, depressing and extremely bloody, with characters that have enough range and depth to keep things interesting. As well I’m extremely impressed with both sets of voice actors and their ability to act well in roles with such range. There are also two stand-alone episodes, where they return to a more comedic style. The disc balances out rather well, it doesn’t overwhelm you with depress- ing back-story, nor is it Excel Saga. For a series this long I’m astonished at how quickly I’ve been drawn into it. As most of you can already tell I'd recommend this as my top pick of the year, you should be getting ready to run off and buy this. Not much more I can do here other than review the rest of the volumes, which I promise—you'll see. Check out these latest releases while they're still warm! Movie: Elf, Release date: November 7 Will Farrell plays a man who thinks he’s an elf. What more do you need to know? A self- proclaimed Christmas movie junkie, I would go see any film with a fa-la-la-la-la slant, but with Farrell at the helm this one is guaranteed to provide more than its fair share of gig- gles. He even wears the funny elf shoes. That’s comedy gold. Book: Wolves of the Calla, by Stephen King Release date: November The first of the final three books in the Dark Tower series, this is the most anticipated event in Stephen King’s legendary career. The world’s best-selling author returns to his beloved Dark Tower epic, inspired by The Lord of the Rings, which he initiated over thirty years ago. Wolves of the Calla continues the adventures of Roland, the last gunslinger and survivor of a civilized world that has moved on. Roland’s quest is ka, an inevitable destiny—to reach and perhaps save the Dark Tower, which stands at the center of everywhere and every when. Album: Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell, Flaming Lips Release date: November 18 The Flaming Lips conclude a year of constant touring and odd collaborations with the release of this seven-song EP. In addition to a pair of remixes of “Ego Tripping,” and one of “Do You Realize?” the EP includes four new tracks, including the holiday ditty, “A Chance at Christmas (Say It Isn’t So).” Costume R oe KK et Ke Hox Columbia #42 - 6th Street ped *e New Westminster * aig for all your party ideas: mascots...theme parties... corporate events...community events special occasions http://www.otherpress.ca e Page 15