December 3, 2003 Sports e the other press © Disney On Ice— Princess Classics Kerry Evans Managing Editor Before you dismiss this article, yes, ice- skating is a sport. Think of Disney On Ice as theatre sports. I mean, it was at GM Place, it was on ice, the fans dressed sim- ilar to the performers, and parking was impossible. It was practically a hockey game—for all intents and purposes—for goodness’ sakes. This past“weekend, I had the pleasure in accompanying my daughter to the show. First, I must mention how much I loved that every five steps of the GM Place lobby was a stand where I could purchase incredibly overpriced memora- bilia. The programs for sale were $15 and contained pictures from the show. I need to be reminded?—I don't think so. Of course my daughter insisted how bad her memory was and that I would become, in fact, a waste of money to not buy the program because she would forget the show by the end of the day. Who is this person? Anyway, we agreed on a $5 colouring book. Oh, and the beverages were cheap. Only $12 for two pops and a coffee—what a steal! They covered all the princess stories: Snow White, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Mermaid. Unfortunately, they only portrayed portions of each story, starting and ending in the middle. There was no “Once upon a time” and there was no “Happily ever after.” I could hear sur- rounding kids saying, “That’s not how the story goes.” That's right kids, that ain't how it goes, but I guess Disney thinks you are too dense to remember that. Now go buy some cotton candy and shut up. Those are Disney's thoughts—I would never tell someone else's kids to shut up— well, not right to their faces anyway. Hey, you know what was great about the show? The costumes were amazing— Til bet you never hear that in one of Flash’s commentaries. Each sequin on each costume shone brightly. I definitely give five gold stars to the designer and seamstress. The dresses were beautiful and my eyes almost misted over when Cinderella—decked out in her sparkly white wedding gown—made her final entrance with Prince Charming. Hey, I said “almost misted.” Is it okay to cry at sporting events? Wow, and did the skating ever suck. Cinderella fell a few times, my daughter could do the lame lifts they were “trying” to do, and I would have to give their effort and enthusiasm two thumbs down. Do not attend this event if you have any respect for ice-skating as a sport or even as a hobby. At the end of the show the cast was shaking the hands of the kids in the front row, and then everyone started to rush down. I was thinking this could turn into some sort of riot so we headed for the exit, and once we got through the cloud created by smokers, we bustled to the car. So next year, we are getting seats up front for sure; See you there? Page 21