to an Other Press — special issue Got something to say about ~ the Environment? drop off your disk and hard copy to | room 1020 in New Westminster or a3107 in Coquitlam before Nov 1 @come to the Other Press staff meeting every Wednesday at 4pm or stop by rm 1020 oy Contribute to two out of three consecutive issues @ Shadow one of our newly elected Coordinators. Tell them what you're interested in doing 1 @ Then ask them questions like “Is there anything I can do?” That's it. From this position of power, you are poised to take over the world using your contacts at the Other Press and at the publishing wberhaiis, the Canadian University Press. You will have access to the world’s power centres with your trusty press pass. A bit of creative regicide, and you're there! You're king of the world!!2 sas ipsa eo emnsnee emg recent nt eet alae 7G nu acm nana