BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING EXPLAINED The Biomedical Engineering Technologist is responsible for ensuring the highest possible standards of performance in a wide range of technical equipment and intrumentation in medicine and biology.Technologists work with health care professionals in hospitals, clinics and research labs as well as medical equipment companies. BCIT’s Biomedical Engineering Technology program is a two-year diploma program that provides education and training in relevant subject areas (calculus, algebra, statistics, human anatomy and physiology, bio-physics, etc.), plus practical exposure to biomedical engineers, nurses_and others who use, maintain, design and supply scientific and medical equipment. This program is accredited by the Applied Science Technologists and technicians of B.C. (ASTTBC). Graduates are eligible for registration as Applied Science Technologists (A.Sc.T.) after two years of relevant work experience. Starting salaries range from $42,000/annum (unionized) to $33,000 (non-unionized). If you have English 12 and C+ in Math 12, Physics 11 and Chemistry 11 and wish to learn more about this program, come to the Information Session below: Date: Tuesday, March 24 Place: Boardroom, BCIT Administration Bldg. Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm or Phone: 434-3304 or Fax: 433-1184 BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY the Other Press March 6, 1992 Other Classiieds ..-—|-|:|::—__-==ET SEE Available March 1/92. Roommate wanted - Female to share 3 bedroom house in Coquitlam. Non- smoking, non-drinking & quiet. Laundry included. $270/mo + 1/4 utilities. Call 939-7079. For rent. Clean bedroom in large house nr.. Metrotown Station, share kitchen, living & dining room. Washer, dryer, TV, utilities in- cluded. $300/mo. & $150 deposit. 435-3826. Tennis anyone? If you are interested in playing tennisand are an int-good player, M/F, contact Corey 872-3906 For sale DOS 4 with manual.$25.00. 669-4833 Looking for an exciting job this summer? Run your own business. Gain valuable experience. Chance to earn $10,000+. Call Works Corps at 298-7429 or 1-800-665- 4992. Vancouver Rape Relief and Womens' Shelter has a volunteer training group beginning in March. Any women who are interested in volunteering on the crisis line, in the transition house, in fundraising events, or in any part of the womens’ organizing centre are invited to call us for a training interview. Volunteers for reception with access to WordPerfect, are also needed, Mon. to Fri., 9-5. If you are interested and would like further information please phone us at 872-8212. The Other Press is pleased to announce an Unlearning Racism workshop to be held for Other Press members and others on Saturday, March 21, 1992 from 10 am to 5 pm. There is no charge. Daycare will be provided, and the site is wheelchair accessible. For further information, please contact Tim at 525-3542. Classified ads are free to students, faculty, and staff of Douglas College who are not advertising for a commercial business. Just show your ID and you're in for free. Commercial classifieds can be purchased for $1 a line, 3 lines minimum. Extra for bold and italics lines. Come to the OP, Room 1020, and fill out a form. It's easy! HOW TO MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE Make a Commitment Now to Environmental Health No career touches the complex and rapidly changing area of human endeavour as much as Environmental Health. As a Public Health Inspector or Environmental Health Officer you play a vital role in promoting public health in your community as well as improving the environment through education, consultation, inspection and monitoring techniques. Your scope of interest includes food hygiene, pest control, communicable diseases, waste disposal systems and community care facilitites. Starting salaries are excellent and can average $35,000 per annum. If this career field is of interest to you then consider BCIT’s Environmental Health two- year diploma program. The curriculum includes studies in health and the health engineering sciences, math and the physical and social sciences. In addition, graduates must complete a practical training program in a recognized Canadian Health Unit. If you have English 12, Math 12, Physics 11 and Chemistry 12 and are keen to learn more about this program, come to the Information Session below: Date: Tuesday, March 24 Place: Boardroom, BCIT Administration Bldg. Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm or Phone: 434-3304 or Fax: 433-1184 ~ BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE. OF TECHNOLOGY. so WHY WAIT FOR SALES! AT EATON’S YOU CAN BUY MEN’S AND WOMEN’S LEVI’S RED TAB JEANS AT THE RED HOT PRICE OF 34.99 TODAY AND EVERY DAY Looking for Levi's? You don’t have to wait for a sale, just come to Eaton’s. Levi's Red Tab shirt. White or stonewash. Every Day 39.99 Not all styles, sizes and colours available in all stores. Personal Shopping Only. Abstract/Peppertree EPRIIIN Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded Choose from men’s and women’s denim 501s, 531s and 532s, plus men’s 516s and 535s. 99 EVERY DAY Overdyed jeans. Every Day 44.99