PAGE 4 September 19, 1985




The Other Press

Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper


This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of.
correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not
necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, or the Douglas College student
society or administration. : ,

All letters and opinions must be typed at a 60 stroke line, triple spaced
and bear the name and telephone number of the writer for reasons of
verification and validity. The telephone number will not be printed and the
name may not be printed if just cause is shown. Letters should be no more
than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be under 1000 words in
length due to space and layout requirements.

We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel.
Letters and opinions may be edited to size.

Deadline for all submissions is 4:00 P.M. the Friday before production


The problem is _

Contrilggtorsiw.:... 1c. .ectiaes co tones
Elaine Davies

a.m. Friday...of course, this is a week
after the all nighter we thought would
put this baby to bed...muchos kudos to
Remy, K, John A., Madonna, and
HiyaCynthia for doin’ it all night long,
way beyond the call of duty (or the
wild); Doug for graphic violence; Dave,
for holding out in the face of adversity;


as much as possible; Suz for being so

Office Coordinator..................:
Photography Coordinator..........
Production Coordinator............
Sports Coordinator... 0026. 8!
TYPOS@EEBIS (cis a. cdihu shen ebsc rates

Adc Cooreiiatersc.  tieec ens cote ee Seo, SN eet ee Dave Stallard
Business Manager. 4. cttttns Ap el eel es Jean Joyce
Classifiedsway 3 tales. eeig de chi, emcees canteens vec nem Donna Forbes
Gopy. Editor eee ciate es acon cens sks epg neres

Entertainment. Coordinator: ... oxe=..5 snc. Sees Kirstin Shaw
News Goordinator!.< ..d.c¢.05.. epee cde John McDonald

PEN Us eh rneere Susie Graham
SOR Lt Bec ce Brian Bisset
eee ies Sey Te Jeremy Bloom
Se Aah Ae wai NR Cynthia Kilt
aon, Set, last Reem Jane Muskens

Gite de eee eee Sandra Glass
Doug Finnerty

We finally got the paper out at 6:00 clean cut; Colin for tryin’; and Jayne,

Steve Gray

for perversevering (Happy B-Day! also
a bit late...) All praises be to the
repairers of Compugraphic’s typsetters
special thanx to the Spag Fag and pear
ciders, without whom none of this
would have been palatable. By the time
you read this, twill be production night
again for the next bloody issuel....

Brian & Watsup for staying in the dark Arrrrrr, billy......

A ‘‘For Sale’’ sign now covers the
marquee of the once popular Para-
mount theatre on Columbia Street.
The Paramount had survived the
decline of Columbia Street, from it’s
original place in the DuPont block to
the seedy area it is now.
block to the seedy area it is now.

The Paramount was built in 1902,
and was redesigned in 1910 to
become one of the few original
Edison theatres still in existance
today. In the 1930’s vaudville shows
replaced the old nitrate movies and
continued as a popular form of
entertainment until the death of the
original owner in 1948.

The Paramount continued to pros-
per throughout the 1950’s when it



was operated by Famous Players
until its doors closed on March 12,
1983. The building, which remains
virtually the same as it was in the
early 1900’s, has stood empty for two
years and is in danger of destruction
by vandals.

The Save the Paramount Society is
fighting to protect this historical
sight from the urban blight which
threatens the rest of Columbia
Street. Perhaps the students of
Douglas College should champion
this dinosaur and aide in the upgrad-
ing of the area it now occupies.
Anyone interested in. helping the
Save The Paramount Society can

-reach them at 435-1444.