ASON ROCHON t is 1998, yeah so most people know that, what I’m wondering though, do omen really want the ‘nice oy’ they all claim to want. Once upon a time there et's call him Billy with the ad attitude. Billy with the ad attitude was rude to veryopne that he met, think- ng that because his life wasn’t ike on TV, he could be an sshole to whoever he wanted. Billy with the bad attitude ad lots of girls wanting to imb into his bed and he let em. CHAEL Cox AVID LAM CAMPUS _ here is nothing more revolting than listening to your arents having sex, making ve, doing the horizontal olka, the backseat mombo d so on. Teenagers avoid—at all st—allowing their parents listen to them having sex. I lo not understand why par- ts cannot show us the same spect. iled serenely and revealed s plan 12B. Which is why we set off a romantic long weekend ith the youngest offspring, s bike, video games and mework all in tow, but I limsy little black outfit cked in my suitcase. We arrived at our destina- n and my sister-in-law wel- med her nephew into her me, giving him free range her computer, a backyard g to play with, and his per- any growing teen’ diet). ived a depressed and lost boy, uldn't be discouraged. I had nal supply of pasta (a staple One day, Billy with the bad attitude met his match. She was tall and beautiful and she told Billy that she loved him. Now there was only one pro- belm. Billy with the bad atti- tude lived with an equally mean and nasty person. So Billy with the bad attitude packed up and left. He went deep into the mountains, where he stayed for many years. His transfor- mation was gradual, he went from Billy with the bad atti- tude to Billy with the not so negative attitude. After a year or so, the birds stopped shit- ting on his head when they flew past because he was now Our parents had sex I have come home on numerous occasions only to be forced out of the house to avoid listening to my parents re-arrange the furniture—if you know what I mean. I know this is not just me. I have talked to many other people and everyone I talk to would rather be eaten by rabid wolves than listen to their par- ents having sex. I have come to terms with the fact that my parents have sex. However I don't want to know when it happens or even So far so good for plan 12B. We left them there and hustled off to our hotel. However, we had neglected to calculate the old-age factor into the plans, and fatigue quickly overcame every other desire. We slept well though. Later the next day, after son had exhausted the back- yard dog, eaten his weekend's pasta quota, biked through the neighbourhood, done as much homework as he could stomach, and driven his aunt insane with the sounds of Mortal Kombat, I became a full-time parent temporarily. ppletne rit hat the hell goes on here? Billy with the positive atti- tude, Every day Billy would wake up-at dawn and walk through the trees, calling them by their names. Now there came some discontent into Billy's serene existence, he was lonely. Billy with the positive atti- tude decided to go back to the city and find a ‘nice girl’ He didn't expect any problems since when he was Billy wiht the bad attitude girls loved him, although he wasn't sure why. Guess what happened next? Girls ingnored him like he was not there. So do women really want a ‘nice boy’? be able to hear. I am just glad I have never seen it. I have argued with my parents about toning down the volume, but do you know what their reply was? “It is sex. You are sup- pose to enjoy it.” I have since come up with a quite vulgar solution: a sign that says “having sex — come back later.” It’s that or a soundproof room. In conclusion, I don’t let my parents listen to me, why should I have to listen to them? OMANCE (continued from page 1) But that evening my husband returned our child to the cus- tody of his aunt, and back in the hotel room we gave thanks for plan 12B. Workaholic’s habits are dif- ficult to change, and everyone knows that all work and no play makes for a dull relation- ship, but combining business and pleasure is heartily recom- mended for marriages of any duration. That, and learning how to count up to 30 in your head. Mima What's the most outrageous thing you've done to get a guy or girl to go out with you? Wait for a whole night for a phone call. Jason Do something not obvious. ° Molenia What? I’m not outrageous! Kevin Oh no! Honestly, ’m NOT outrageous! Lenka Serenade her with roses. Francisco Being humorous and sensible. Day $0}0Ud XD [eeudIN The Other Press October 14 1998 Page 7