The $3 Mad Hatter | Douglas jlas College Newslette DOUGLAS COLLEGE August 27, 1984 | SAGES To All Personnel: The past year has provided opportunities for Douglas College to increase programs and services to its community. A number of new projects, initiated under the college's leadership, have led to ongoing programs of community service. These projects have often provided a first direct contact with individuals or groups. Our major conferences, concerts, theatre productions, day care centre and various special events brought visitors to our campus for the first time. The efforts of many people from the college community have provided the driving force behind these successes. As our 1984/85 school year commences, I want to express my deep appreciation to all of you who worked so hard during the past year to enhance the image and extend the resources of Douglas College to the communities we serve. This year we have seen and been a part of: new day care services - exciting theatre productions - entertaining concert series - new initiatives in student employment - important new resources for delivering special education services - new relationships in school/work arrangements - new activity in heritage preservation - new initiatives in community-based economic development - increased support for student aid - new relationships with our communities’ leadership - increased support for college activities from businesses, service clubs, social service agencies, local, provincial and federal governments It is difficult to identify all the people involved in the development of these activities, since each endeavour requires cooperation and support from staff, faculty and administration. Some people may be directly associated with certain projects, but each activity requires behind the scenes support. To those of you in the foreground, and those of you in the background, thank you, once again, for giving life to Douglas College. Bill Day