“> = WUSC (continued) . supporting a cooperative rural development program operated by the @ Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka . through CIDA's INGO division, providing scholarship support to Zimbab- wean university students to pay tuition and residence fees, and to up- grade the educational standards in secondary schools . establishing an innovative commercial poultry project an Njala University College, Sierra Leone . funding a microfilm unit for the library and archives at the University of Guyana WUSC VOLUNTEERS WUSC recruits Canadians with a variety of skills to work on two-year contracts in developing countries. The greatest need is for teachers, chiefly those with math and science skills, but requests are also received for agriculturalists, community development workers, and medical personnel. For further details call Barry Leach, Surrey Campus. ....-Barry Leach FOR SALE FAT FURNITURE - 92" L x 43° W x 26" BK foam filled couch. yellow corduroy material. Excellent condition. $95.00 Phone 531-0411. INSTITUTES' NEW PUBLICATIONS The following information booklets and pamphlets are available at the Institutes' office, Portable A6 Surrey: - . Suggestions for Sponsors of SEAsian Refugees (also available at library loans desks) . Submission on the Proposed Wildlife Management Plan for B.C. June 79 . Submission on the Ministry of Environment - March 79 . Liard Hydroelectric Studies Information Bulletin Sept. 79 ..--.-Barry Leach