THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C, Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey Campus Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 SPECIAL UNION MEETING Local 62 BCGEU DATE: March 22/78 TIMES =7230' p.m. LOCATION: NW Campus, Rm. 308 c/d AGENDA : - An explanation of the JJEC Report in particular and Job Evaluation Studies in general by Rick Coleman, Classifi- cation Officer of the BCGEU. - Distribution of individual Job Specifications (from the JJEC Report) to all member present. - Feedback and questions from members to be directed toward: a) Rick Coleman b) JJEC (Union) Members c) Local exec. members PLEASE COME!! On the outside... RECORDER CONCERT Internationally-renowned Flemish recorder virtuoso, Frans Brueggen, will appear in concert Mar. 26 at 8:30 p.m. at the Hotel Vancouver. The program, sponsored jointly by the Vancouver New Music Society and the Vancouver Society for Early Music, will in- clude both baroque and contemporary works for } recorder. Tiskets costing $5 or $4 for stu- dents or senior citizens, are availablefrom several locations. Call 732-6026 for more information. Notice Board — ~ LOCAL 62 REPORT ON: Time Schedule of events concerning the JJEC REPORT: March March March March March April 16/78 - College Council response to the JJEC REPORT 21/78 - Local Executive response to the JJEC REPORT (rough draft) 22/78 - Meeting with general member- ship on the JJEC REPORT 28/78 - Local 62 General Meeting, further input from members 29/78 to Early April - Negotiations between Union and College on a Letter of Understanding outlining the terms under which the Job. Evaluation Study will be completed. 25/78 - Letter of Understanding presented to the local members for approval. (Local 62 General Meeting) TO: FR RE: FACULTY AND STAFF OM: Virginia Chisholm 16mm FILMS Kk NEW * *% FILM CATALOGUE The new catalogue of 16mm films owned and shared by the Media Exchange Cooperative (MEC)* is here! There are over 2,000 additional titles noted in the subject and title lists. The prohibitive cost of printing has necessitated a change of format; the new catalogue is in microfiche only and can be consulted in each of the libraries. *including: DC, SFU, BCIT, UBC VCC, and others