announcements wu. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Victria, &.C. OCTOBER 1974 SUMMER BURSARIES FOR FRENCH TEACHERS 1975 Ls Summer bursaries for French teachers will be available again in 1975 at $50.00 a week to a maximum of six weeks plus transportation costs to a maximum of $300.00. There are some important changes from 1974. 2. Application forms are available from the office of the Superintendent of Schools and must be completed in every respect and reach this office not later than April 1. NO applications will be accepted after that date. Bis The application form must be accompanied by a letter of admission from the institution where the bursary is to be served. Therefore it is imperative that you apply early. 4. Payment of the bursary and transportation allowance will be paid after the completion of the course on submission of the form which will be sent to you when you are advised that your application is approved. Ss Bursaries are tenable at any institution in Canada, France or any other approved institution. A partial list of summer course offerings include: (1) Ecole Frangaise d'Ete” Service d'éeducation permanente Universite’ de Montréal Cc. P. 6128, Montreal 101 (2) Aix-en-Provence and Avignon Apply to: Institute for American Universities 27 Place de l'Universite’ 13 625 Aix-en-Provence, France (3) For other French institutions write: Claude A. Chevallier Attache’ Culturelle pour les provinces de l'ouest Bureau 202 2639 Ave. Portage Winnipeg, Manitoba Ap