OFFICE HOURS Faculty are obliged by the terms of their Collective Agreement to establish office hours during which they will be available in theix’ office for consultation with students. COST OF TEXT BOOKS The College has established a rule-of-thumb cost of $4.00 per credit for text books. The average text book should not exceed $12.00 in cost. This rule is extended to cover a two-semester ccurse requiring the sume book and a total vf $24.50 would then be allowed for a text book. The purpose of the rule is to limit the cost to any student to $120.00 per year for books, in addition to the fees and all of the other incidental expenses. ONE COLLEGE FEE Only one tee of $19.00 per credit, te a maximum of $125.00 per iT) Semester, 13 charged tu stuwlents at the College, except for the $3.00 and $5.00 stucgent fees. No lab fees, litrar, fees, caution fees, transportation fees, etc., are levied Secause tie only rationale which has been discovered for charging these is that they are easy to collect and refund. COST OF MATERIALS Materials which the students buy for their own purposes such as paper, pens, notehooks, tuhes of paint, brushes, fabric, present- ation boards, instruments, slide rules, calculators, etc., are to be purchased Ly the