Wien ee oe DOUGLAS COLLECE LIBRA: ARCHIVES par theme SiR 7.00, 8.00 Harry Belatonte 8:30pm $4.00, 6.00 7.00, 8 00 2030 $4.00, 6.00, 8:00pm $4.50 Tue Ottawa Choral Society a NAC Orchestra Oedipus Rex, Sophocles & Scapini a 2 mar 8:30pm $2.00, 3 20h30 $2.00, 3.00, rock musical based on Moliére’s Scap A. sg ; 4.00, 5.00 4.00, 5.00 8:00pm $4.50 20h00 $4.50 on Wed Harry Belafonte Oedipus Rex, Sophocles & Scapin! a - rn 2 mer 8 30pm $4.00, 6.00, 20h30 $4.00, 6.00, rock musical based on Moliére’s Scapin* 20n00 $4 50 Oedipus Hex, Sophocies & Scapinia rock Musical based on Molitre’s Scapin* 7.00, 8.00 20h30 $4.00, 6.00, .00 7.00 Oedipus Rex, Sophocles & Scapin! a rock musical bused on Moliére's Scapin* 8:00pm $4.50 20h00 $4 50 7.00 800 7.00, 8.00 8 00pm $4.50 2000 $4.50 Fri Harry Belatonte Oedipus Rex, Sophocles & Scapin! a ven 8:30pm $4 Gu, 600 2030 $4.00, 6.00, rock musical based on Mohieéte's Scapin* 7.00, 8 00 7.00, 8.00 8 OOpm $4 50 20hU0 $4 50 June Juin Sat Harry Belafonte Oedipus Rex, Sophocles & Scapinia sam / 00pm & 10 30pm 19h00 & 22h30 tock musical based on Moliéia’s Scapin* $4 00, 6 UU, 7.00, $4.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8:00pin $4.50 201100 $4.50 © : 8 00 8.00 Sun Harry Belafonte dim 8B 30pm $4.00, 6.00, Série sur abonnement Subscription series (L) Spectucte en lovation (RA) Rental performance Information (613) 257-4400 Ottawa (819) 770-9193 Hull Box Office opens Ouverture des guichets ‘eee Yours F 2 Box Office hours Monday through Saturday, 10:00am to 9.00pm Le guichet est ouvert du lundi au samedi de 10n00 a 21n00 April Reminder ee Rappeld’avril | i. 3 “di Apr. 1. Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians ; sie yee ‘Toronto Symphony _ Bre ma ce Ri : n a ; a ey fate Apr 1-6 Mais nie promeéne donc pas toute nue! & _ Worldarama ~ Just for Fun net oe 8 Apr ... «ba Station Champbaudot _ Sai a ie ~ Mésaliiance =e 22 ave 2-9. =~ NAC Orchestra _ Orchestia du CNA 7May_NAC Orchestra Orchestre du CNA 22°Apr «4 ~ Festa Bran | an Rees. ee ane €-10 mai ~~ Adamo 18 avr 5 __ Sons ot £ Scotland E ote 19-12 May Roger Whittaker i 22 Apr = 8 Manitas de Plata oe =e 12 May Concert Society of Ottawa Société des concerts d'Ottawa 20 Apr? Chamber Music nao ~ musique 15- -16 May NAC Orchestra Orchestre du CNA 2 May __.' Workshop ( de chambre ioe last eae 1SAGmel BermataHaler sm ethene O85 ‘avr 9-13 London Palladium Show: rik i Sgt EA yo cera ee Thieeet Moped Charlebois = _18 avr i eae cE AN ed Re etree Me SR Be 20-25 May Seesaw ‘ SSpucra Bit Ee ee he: igio7" ‘Woyzeck TSN Tt eee eee ee or Soe esious Box & Seapinl neers = ee A “Chuck Mangione & Orchest@ SCS See er comsnan Set 46 NAG Orchentia Orchestia du CNA 26 May_ Chamber Music Workshop Atelier de musique de chambre 13 May Psa a ae : pone! 26May . Ottawa Choral Society & NAC Orchestra 6 May 36° Garioa Maye aia ee ae 29-2 June _ Harry Belafonte _ oe 6 May Sarr ne : Y * = ape Pry steatel 2 5 , avi Shankar SES ALS, ok Bll ty BORN. ey eed et eel i 23 ~ NAC Orchestra Orchestie du CNA 26- 27 _ Alwyn Nikolas Dance Theatre —— 26 _—- Hamsoy Lewis Trio. ce Ua ee a case Bh 30°” Eva Ticket Order Form Bon de commande de billets see over volr verso Date Date Date Date Ist ler 2nd 28 Time Proturrud Section. Quantity Price Amount Olfice use =—-— Usage Perturmance Mpectecl choice cholx choice choix Huure Section desiree Nombia — Prix Montant only interne —— ——-- -_ - - oe a ee et cS ENA \ If order Cannot be filled as requested Dans l'impossibilité d'acceder en tous Chq to follow the NAC should points 4 votre demande, le CNA devra’ Chx 5 UJ] return cheque/money order C] vous relourner votre chéque/mandat Ain/ix Li substitute best available tickets _L) établir le meilleur choix en l’occurrence Total $ Cash