wh. Vent - Douglas Collere's own literary inazazine TO 2LL MeBRRS UF ALL FaCULYibs: The editors of Event are aware of the talent that abounds in tne faculty of Douglas Collese, For this reason we are inviting contributions in the followinea: The Novella, snort Story, Drana, Toetry, iissavs, Reviews, Graphics, rhotoerapny, we are also seeking articles of tonicexl interest on subjects which lie beyona tne litersry field: anthropolory, sociolosy, Northern studies, locel history, music, etc. Since #vent is dedicated to literzury quality, and if vou are doubtful about your writine skills, nelp will be avuilable, we would like articles or essays wnicn usc clesr articulate laneuase and are not too technic: 1 or obseure for averace rezdership. bid you iknow that Event is subscribed to by such institutions as the Britisn Libr+ry (British iluseum), Oxford and Yale Universities - just to name s few? WE WHLCOMA YOUR INsLRaST, YOUR T4AS, YOUR WORK, All manuscrints snould be left st or directed to Bob Lowe's office Deadline for the Spring issue is avproxi:uately Feb, 28, 1974,