April 2, 2003 We Must Macdonald Stainsby DSU External Relations I always write about what I think. I can’t do that so much this time. Instead, let me tell you how I feel. I’m fucking terrified. If you arent, you are not paying close enough attention. I woke up on the already-now-infamous Wednesday, March 19, 2003 and knew that that very day the United States was likely to start this ille- gal, immoral and aggressive war against the already starving and tortured Iraqi people. But my fear isn’t just the slaughter about to be perpetrated. I’m also really afraid because of an article I received that morning from the United Kingdom— about the actions of the United States newly created “Department of Homeland Security.” The same day that the US Department of Defense declared International Law and the United Nations dead—the ideals our grandpar- ents died to create in the fight against fas- cism in WWIIl—they launched a most terrifying campaign against Arabs and Muslims, as well as a slaughter on the peo- ple of Iraq. Let me quote a couple of pas- sages from the article and you draw your own feelings from it: “The United States has ordered the detention of all political asylum-seekers from a long list of Arab and Muslim countries, infuriating immigrant advocates who say it violates international human rights law...Department officials told reporters the order would affect nationals from more than 30 countries, including Iraq and—in contrast to previ- Op-Ed http://otherpress.douglas.bc.ca Admit our Fear of Present R eality ous government orders requiring immi- grants to register with the authorities— such US allies as Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia...” It's a sweeping generalisation of who they are and a very unfortunate one... They are not terrorists, they are not security risks. They should be protected.” (The Independent, March 19, 2003, Britain) If you aren't fighting to hold down your lunch yet, it gets worse. No one likes war, so even George “King of the World” feels it necessary to remind us he “doesn’t like war.” But I’ve been opposed to military actions taken by powerful first world countries before. I've been emotionally devastated by the destruction wrought on these people, in our names, from miles above their heads. But this is different. I'm freaked out and terrified because they have destroyed International Law—or even the pretense of it. The American government has outlined a full plan for the military conquest of the entire region. This isn't a conspiracy theory, it’s what they have announced. Witness this article by a governmental policy wonk, “After Baghdad, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh”: “The battle for Iraq is about to begin, and in all likelihood it will involve us in the broader war about which the president has been speaking ever since September 11, 2001. Once upon a time, it might have been possible to deal with Iraq alone, without having to face the murderous forces of the other terror masters in Tehran, Damascus, and Riad, but that time has passed. We have given them more than a year to prepare for this moment, and they are ready...Rarely has it been possible to see one of history's potential turning points so clearly and so dramatically as it is today. Rarely has a country been given such a glorious oppor- tunity as we have in our hands. But histo- ry is full of missed opportunities and embarrassing defeats...We'll know soon which destiny we will achieve.” (New York Sun, March 19, 2003, New York) This article was written by a man named Michael A. Ledeen, who is person- al friends with George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and all of the other important members of this oil administration. Leeden works with the American Enterprise Institute, the right-wing mili- tarist downtown Washington think-tank where Dubya gave a televised speech on the Middle East battle plan only a couple of weeks ago. They have declared, now is the time to attack the entire Muslim World. And people still wonder if we are in trouble. I feel more desperate, insecure and simply powerless than I’ve ever felt. There is only one thing that sustains me: I’m not alone. There are thousands, hun- dreds of thousands of scared people who aren't going along with this in Vancouver alone. More than 300,000 people marched in New York City over the week- the other press end. We are all screaming, “Wake up peo- ple!” Now is the time all decent peopl who care at all about humanity, their chil- dren, and who want to prevent a global holocaust must act. I feel like it’s a duty to do anything, to wander into the middle o the road and yell at everyone. I feel like I see all around me people acting as if noth- ing is happening here. Bullshit, I tell you all. Nonsense. People didn’t act fast enough to stop fascism in the 1930s, and| back then the military might of the fas- cists was stoppable by other countries. Who will do it now? We will. We must, or we perish. Dante was one of the greatest poets ever, and I’m not a Christian, but I believe' this line of his more fervently than any- thing I’ve ever read by anyone: “The hottest places in hell are reserved! for those who in times of great moral cri- sis maintained their neutrality.” So get into your communities. Talk to people. Don't watch CNN for hours on end, don’ listen to them dehumanize us into “collateral damage” and “strategic tar- gets.” We are human beings and this is our world—not theirs. Get out of your house and stop these rich, old, white men, who will destroy the whole planet for oil. A better world is possible, but it starts with you. Yes, you. Kim Meier fissistant Photographer ' Third Degree What's your vote on the health and dental plan referenda? “1 think the bene- fits will be helpful to those students Alex “T would vote no on this issue as | am already covered under my parent's health anddental plans as long as | am a full-time student. The $130.00 fee for each is not cost-. effective for myself.”